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New Optimum Products: MDR & FerreX [SEMA Show 2014]


Optimum MDR & FerreX

We stopped by the Optimum booth at SEMA a little while ago and were introduced to two new products, MDR & FerreX. Word on the street is that these products will be available before the end of the year.

Optimum MDR Mineral Deposit Remover

From the label:

Opti-Coat Mineral Deposit Remover (MDR) is the most advanced cleaner that dissolves and removes mineral deposits and other contaminants from exterior automotive surfaces. It is a non-abrasive, chemical cleaner that will dissolve and remove water based contaminants without the need to polish or abrade the surface.

Simply wipe MDR on painted or other automotive surfaces to dissolve and remove minerals.

A combination of acids and chelating agents will break down and dissolve these contaminants and make the surface clean and smooth again without affecting or removing paint.

Optimum FerreX

From the label:

FerreX is designed to dissolve ferrous metal from wheels and painted surfaces quickly, by bonding and dissolving them away with minimal effort. Furthermore, FerreX will dissolve and remove other surface contaminants such as tar, insects, and film adhesives at the same time.

5 comments on New Optimum Products: MDR & FerreX [SEMA Show 2014]

  1. Wendell jarvis says:

    I want these new products when they become available

  2. Felix says:

    nice new products i would like to see there pricing and see how they compare to the competitors

  3. Greg@DI says:

    These products won’t be available immediately but we’re hoping to see them in the not too distant future. We’ll be sure to update everyone as soon as we get this information.

    • I sense some head to head product showdowns coming up… MDR vs Spotless vs CG Water Spot Remover vs Meguiar’s Water Spot Remover… Ferrex vs IronX vs Sonax Fallout Remover… you can just send everything to my address Greg 🙂

  4. mike says:

    Does anyone know if these products are safe of factory installed clear film (lots of cars coming with clear film factory installed on front of 1/4 panels) ?

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