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4 comments on My Favorite Two Stage Polishing Routines

  1. Erik says:

    Thanks! I find these types of articles very informative. Good to see what the pros are using for pad/polish combos, because I always have questions about that.

  2. mike says:

    Hello, I have a new 2014 infiniti Q50. The color is venetian ruby. What should I do to keep it protected and keep the swirl marks out of the paint. I use optimum products and I use pete’s 53 car wax. What do u recommend. If u can u can call me on my cell phone please. My number is 443 257-2855. Thank you

  3. Ivan Rajic says:

    Hi Mike,

    That’s a very general question so it’s very hard to answer. To keep it protected you should start with regular washing with quality products and techniques. For waxing or protection, I would recommend any of the newer sealants as they look good and last longer than traditional carnauba waxes. Hope that helps.

  4. Keith says:

    I have a black 1997 Porsche 911 which I just purchased. The paid has a lot of swirl marks. The products I have tried so far (Zaino, Wolfgang) for correcting the paint seem to leave behind additional marring. I’ve tried using hand foam application and random orbital without success. Can you offer any suggestions? I can use these products on a late model Porsche Cayenne with excellent results. Is the paint on the 97 911 softer? Thanks.

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