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My Favorite Leather Restoration Products


If you have the time to experience the full benefits of these two products, it is a worthwhile investment.  The Leatherique system has yielded some very dramatic results on your classic leather seats and noticeable improvement when used on perforated (most modern cars) leather seats.

For vehicles that I will have for over 24 hours with leather seats these two products will often be used. Click here to read a previous article outlining how to use these products.

My method is very similar:  working one seat at a time I will often use Gtechniq cotton swabs to spread the product.  I like to apply a generous amount of this product.  Then promptly afterwards I will hand massage it into the material.  After applying Rejuvenator to all seats, I will wait 24 to 48 hours before using Pristine Clean with a microfiber towel to remove the excess Rejuvenator.  I apply just enough Pristine Clean to a clean microfiber to effectively remove the excess Rejuvenator.

Below is a picture of a leather seat of a 1979 Olsmobile Toronado, by the owner’s own admission the seats had been completely neglected.

These are the results below after two successive 24 hour treatments with the Rejuvenator and Pristine Clean.

The rejuvenating (pun intended) properties are enhanced with the vehicle left out in direct sunlight on a hot day.  Although I have had great success without the benefit of these conditions, leaving a car in the garage.

If I am cleaning leather seats this way, I may use the Pristine Clean to clean the steering wheel and dashboard.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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7 comments on My Favorite Leather Restoration Products

  1. Peter says:

    This stuff is amazing. I started using Leatherique ten years ago and I’ve yet to find a better product for its intended purpose.

  2. Jim Meletiou says:

    Just don’t waste the product on newer clearcoated leather as it won’t penetrate the clear coat. A dilute APC works fine for newer leather. On older leather, Leatherique is great!

  3. Brandon says:

    The Leatherique system to me is a game changer! Nothing else out on the market that I’ve found.

  4. Richard says:

    My leather is white and first I have to clean it. It is new, but during car work got a bit dirty. Used the LEXOL stuff; it was pretty useless. I called them and after an hour waiting on the phone–obviously a huge conglomerate that is run by hedge fund people who count money and could care less about products or customers–I found out they had a “heavy duty” product.

    Not sure I will spend any more time on them to find it. What I need is CLEAN first. My covers are relatively new, so may be the clear-coated kind, but as fast as it gets dirty, I doubt it.

    What do you sell that CLEANS white leather before using these products?


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