Ask a Pro Detailer

My Experience At Mobile Tech Expo 2025 – Highlights And The Value Proposition

MTE 2025

Rodney Tatum MTE 2025

As some of you know I was one of the educational speakers at Mobile Tech Expo (MTE) at the 2025 Orlando Convention.  It was an honor to represent myself, my auto detailing business (Mirror Reflections Auto Spa), and the automotive detailing industry.  Mobile Tech Expo is a comprehensive event for automotive technicians which features trade shows, business education, and networking opportunities.  This event that takes place in Orlando is organized by the International Detailing Association (IDA).  The IDA is a global association for industry detailing suppliers, operators, and consultants.

I have seen several social media posts asking, ‘what is the point’ of being an IDA member?  I.E., ‘do our customers care?’ Numerous detailing business owners have responded to these inquiries communicating that it was a waste of time and money for them.  Based upon my perception of THEIR (lack of) effort utilizing the IDA available resources, they were probably correct.  But someone followed up to one of the questions with an amazing answer.  He communicated the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’.  I will summarize his point.  If you post IDA on your website or casually mention your membership and do nothing else, then it is a waste.  Our customers typically are unaware of the groups we are a part of.  But if you explain what the IDA is along with your relationship to the group, and also ACTUALLY utilize the resources, then you can reap real value.  I offer the same advice for posting any partnership (including ceramic coating companies).  Ultimately you have to put in the work to boost your brand.  Many of us would tell a customer if they purchased a $1,500 service from us and did nothing to care for their car, it would be a waste of money.  We should take our own advice as business owners.

One of the key messages I wanted to share as a contributor was the fact that I learned equally as much about myself and business by answering questions and providing wisdom to other people.  Teaching not only reaffirmed what I may know but it also reminded me what I need to do improve on in my business.  I definitely forced myself out of my comfort zone as this was my first time speaking.  I felt incredible nerves initially.

Here are some highlights of my message to those in attendance.  Mental health matters to all of us and it is a process.  Get out of your comfort zone!  Expanding your worldview with others will unlock your creativity and also better help you to connect with others.  You are taught your responsibilities change as a business owner versus an employee, but it is often overlooked that your mindset has to change as well.  Treating what you do as a business (not a job) means leading with your core values regardless of the pressure from customers, coating companies, and the opinion of other detailers.  Your business, your rules!  It also means taking a holistic approach to marketing and advertising, versus handicapping yourself with a singular approach of looking for one basic short term solution.

These experiences of growth and teaching did not end with my presentation.  Whether it was the time between other presentations or social gatherings during the weekend, I engaged with others who had questions and shared frustrations.  There were continuous opportunities for growth.  I was able to learn something from every speaker present.

It was also an opportunity to see, shake the hands of, and thank in person many of these (speakers) members of industry that helped me well before this event.  I was quite overwhelmed by the number of people and speakers that actually recognized me, as I believe my influence is minor compared to many of the people in attendance.

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