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Misconceptions & Myths: Consumers who are Learning About or Booking a Car Detail


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I am taking on common misunderstandings and misinformation about detailing. Most non detailing enthusiasts who are learning about car care focus on the wrong things.  This is based on poor assumptions and the wrong information, as well as a mistrust of detailers.

Several years ago, I received an inquiry for a detailing service with a focus on removing scratches from paint.  When I arrived many of the scratches had made it through the metal and a majority were too deep to improve.  I had a productive and meaningful conversation with the lady on what paint correction is and is not.  She reached an epiphany prior to explaining paint correction in what she and many referred to as buffing.  I told her that massaging the paint was NOT actually how scratches were removed.  Fact checking me helped give her clarity to what paint correction is and the limitations of fixing damage on thin paintwork.  Like this situation, I had many conversations about paint, polishing, cleaning, protection, and interior products, that were eye opening to potential clients.  There was often at least one myth that I had to debunk.  These are a few more of those questions answered.

Does Clay Remove Scratches?

detailing clay

Clay does not remove micro scratches.  Often the opposite is actually the case (microscopic to light marring).  The use of detailing clay is a valuable tool for getting your car surgically clean.  A cleaner surface may trick you into believing it is doing the same thing as paint correction (removing small scratches).  But a clay bar’s main task is to remove invisible grime from your paint.

What Comes With Clay?

Clay likely leaves micro scratches.  Even if you do not see scratches, that does not mean they are not there.  Often it may be worth it due to the neglect even if the marring is not polished.  Micro scratches take away from the appearance, but claying a neglected car will greatly improve the appearance.  It is a step forward essentially.  Especially if you do not have a discerning eye, you will not notice it immediately.  But over time with wash, clay, and seal packages, the effect may become more noticeable.  If you wash your car in a way that is not very meticulous or visit the automatic wash, or a less expensive hand car wash location, with the micro scratches already added it may be inconsequential.

My Car Is Brand New Why Does It Need Detailing?

A new car likely needs detailing.  Decontamination and polishing are a requisite for it to actually look like a new car.  It is not an effort to just take your money. Polishing is a lot of work.  If you feel the selling of a correction service is coming from a business being disingenuous, particularly if you are communicating you are interested in the paint looking new, there needs to be a more thorough vetting process on your part.  Most cars are transported in ways that lead to pollutants embedding into the pores of your paintwork.  They are also often touched by people prior to purchase who are not as sensitive to paint care as a detailer.

If I Can’t See Swirls It Doesn’t Affect The Appearance?


You may not easily see the marring or swirls, or even some of the other defects, but the indirect impact will affect the appearance of the car.  It will make the car look more dull in your eyes.  The volume of defects is more significant than the depth of a single defect in this case.  The many peaks and valleys present a hazy appearance.  This is why a professional who is knowledgeable about paint correction is often going to emphasize polishing to improve the appearance but also at times discourage chasing deeper defects.  For one, you only have so much paint (clear coat) to work with.  A refined surface (level surface) that addresses a volume of small defects is going to have a crisper, more noticeable boost in depth, and clarity of the reflections of your paint.  Which lead to the following.

It Just Needs A Good Wax?

What is really happening is the wax temporarily is modestly filling in some of that micro-marring, hence creating a more level surface.  Really expensive waxes can have a deepening impact on the paint.  But generally, what is happening is that some of the valleys are being slightly filled.  It does not have quite the impact even in the short term that any correction service would provide, but it is an example of the point previously made.  Also, some of the waxes fall under the category of cleaner waxes, hence performing some of the duties a clay-bar may.  With a cleaner wax you may improve the appearance with obviously a cleaner surface.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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1 comment on Misconceptions & Myths: Consumers who are Learning About or Booking a Car Detail

  1. Eric Doner says:

    Rodney, your insights are always most helpful. I’d like to reproduce your comments on my website and or send them to some of my customers.

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