MazdaSpeed3 | Repair of Bad Paint Job | Modesta Glass Coating
by Brian GuyWe had originally scheduled an appointment for this MazdaSpeed3 earlier on in the year, however it was unfortunately keyed, causing this appointment to be temporally prolonged. So the car went into the body shop and had the repairs done. Fresh paint was added to the hood, rear end, entire passenger side and rear drivers side quarter. We allowed enough time to go by for the paint to completely cure (a few months is plenty of time). At first look the car seemed to be in pretty good shape, although that was not the case for many sections of the car.
The car was painted with OEM paint, however I think it was a little excessive in many spots. I also believe the body shop knew it to as many area’s had been wet sanded down and look incredibly uneven by the body shop.
So with full inspection of the car. Here is a few of the defects that needed to be handled before Modesta BC-05 Glass Coating could be applied.
D/A Sand Rids
These marks are found on the hood (Top & Bottom)
Some hard water spots and etching on the roof
More D/A Sand Rids
Rids around the door handles
Some dirty buffing trails. Results of a dirty pad and rotary buffing
A closer look
The hood also had another problem, the body shop had wet sanded and buffed the passenger side down to a pretty good level. The drivers side of the hood however had an incredible amount of orange peel left in it. As I said above, the amount of OEM paint that was sprayed was a little excessive. Every panel that was resprayed measured at record numbers on the paint gauge and there was no need for this much paint to be sprayed.
Using Meguiar’s sanding disc’s (1000 and 3000) (5″ and 3″) on the Porter Cable, I sanded down the drivers side of the hood.
Some of the orange peel at a closer look after a few passes
Meg’s 1000 grit was king on this section of the car! (Hood)
Moving on with the rest of the correction work, starting with the lower rockers!
50/50 shots taking and polishing done with 3″ pads
Lower Rockers
A few more small clusters of D/A rids on the rear quarters
Another 50/50
Many hours of correction work was done on this Mazda. The roof of this Speed3 and the water etching it had was right behind the hood in the amount of attention to detail it received.
Now I can get to the better part of the detail! After all correction work was done, I went around the entire paint surface with Modesta P-01A Primer coat.
Rupes white pad works really great with this primer coating. Working it in at speeds of 4 to 4.5 on the Rupes 15 to get some pretty great results. P-01A could also be used as a stand alone LSP, although the primary purpose is to be the base coat of the glass coating that’s about to be applied. I currently have P-01A as a final LSP on my own car! I’m really surprised as to the amount of shine that is puts off, even after 3-4 weeks of no washing.
Modesta BC-05 Glass Coating was applied as the final LSP after the primer coat was laid down, giving off some great ending results for this MazdaSpeed3.
Thanks for viewing this detail and I hope you enjoyed! As always, feel free to ask any questions!
Best Regards,
Excellent work!
Thank You Zach!
I’m working on the RS5 write up now! That’s a special Thanks to you Zach, for that one.
I saw some of the photos on Flickr today… looking forward to seeing that write up! I absolutely love that car & color combo
A+ Work!
Owner would be very happy.
Thank You Mark!
Do you think the modesta is worth the price,given there is no warranty?
Hey Mike,
I think it is. Yes.
I don’t necessarily agree with the whole warranty thing with any coating… Cars can get easily mistreated, accidents will happen and consumers can easily con the warranty (not saying everybody… but lets face it. Some people do)
just my opinion!
Hi Brian,
Excellent job !
BTW from your experience what is the different between 22PLE glass coating and Modesta BC-05?
If I would like to get more information about Modesta, how can I contact you.
Moheb Hanna
Lancaster, CA
Thank You! As far as feel… Imaging 22ple being about 5x’s thicker. That is what using BC-05 feels like.
A huge difference between the two coatings… Looks, durability etc.
Feel free to contact me at (407)340-4032
The Mazda looks awesome! Great write up and photos. It gave me some good ideas for some paint imperfections that I have been attempting to deal with on my own car.
Thanks Russ!
Feel free to share with me!
Hey Brian, nice work! Huge difference, how long did it take you to complete the whole process from sanding to bc-05 application?