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Lake Country Precision Rotary Pads Overview


Lake Country CCS Precision Rotary Pads are extremely popular polishing pads, which are designed to maximize performance, durability, and flexibility with precision accuracy during the rigors of rotary polishing. The CCS technology of these pads is partially closed foam cells or dimples on the face of the pad. These pockets capture and gradually release polish as needed during the polishing process. Yvan Lacroix of Lake Country Manufacturing showcases the CCS Precision Rotary pads and highlights how each pad in this line can be used. Below you will find each of the pads mentioned and a transcription of the entire video.

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Are you a fan of the rotary polisher like I am? Well, if you are Detailed Image has you covered. Detailed Image has you covered with a full spectrum of Lake Country pads for your rotary and backing plates as well. Now we have the very aggressive hundred percent wool pad. We have the purple foam wool pad and you have a selection of Precision Rotary Foam pads. Now with the wool pads, you can get the most cut out of your rotary, but as we know you’re going to be leaving a few swirls and you’re going to need to perfect it using the foam pads. Using a rotary isn’t as difficult as people make it out to be. First of all, you need a quality pad and a quality backing plate using our compound. We put a little bit on the pad or you can put it on the surface.

I have the machine at a very low speed.

If you want slightly less aggression, but still a great cut. We have our purple foam, wool.

Now the purple foam wool technology is exclusive to Lake Country. Very cool running pad, easier to control, great cut, but without as aggressive of a finish. We actually use a purple foamed wool with a fine quality. We actually combine cut and polishing in one.

For our foam pads, we have six different levels of cut. We have our yellow aggressive cut, we have our orange, which a lot of people use as a one-step pad. The white pad, little smoother, a little finer, and they all feature the CCS. From there, the green pad, little firmer and great for that one step cut as well. Now the blue pad one of my favorites for finishing, but for that ultimate finish, we’ve got the Black CCS Precision Rotary Pad.

It just happens to match the backing plate perfectly and we’re ready to go.

The CCS pad and it’s built in pockets, allow you to control your polish application quite easily. The other advantage of the CCS pads, ease of control, lower temperature, and a nicer feel than a flat pad. The compound and polish will work longer using CCS pads, instead of using it all at once, apply a little more pressure, we apply more product to the surface. And there we have it, the section cut and finished with a rotary. Now once again, visit DetailedImage.com and get all your rotary needs handled in one place!

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