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3 comments on Ivan Rajic’s 10 Favorite Detailing Products

  1. Jon says:


    Thanks for another great one! You churn these out like nobody’s business!

    Love the EZ detail brushes (I bought both from DI, months ago)!!! They work very well for their intended purpose. For those of you who don’t have them and plan to get/us them, just remember to pull them out of your wheel barrels s-l-o-w-l-y to avoid getting splatter all over the place and your face. They do scrub well and the fact that they bend is awesome!!!

    I used the wash mitt (no thumb) for the first time last week with Optimum Car Wash. It ‘glided’ across my paint and was awesome to use. I did not use it on lower panels – those I hit with a chenille MF mitt instead. That said, the Sheepskin wash mitt is fantastic! Use both sides before dipping back into your bucket. I keep the loop on to hang dry from a small clip/hook in my garage after washing it off in the sink…gently.

    The MF waffle weave drying towel, which I have had for nearly a year – is incredbile. Blot, don’t wipe, and you’re all set!

    I have not gotten Leatherique Pristine Clean yet, but plan to one of these days. If and when I do, I will probably remove the cap and attach a spray head. This tip, btw, i picked up from one of Todd Cooperider’s many great write-ups.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Thanks Jon, I truly appreciate the support!

      I’m glad you are enjoying some of my favorites as much as I do!

      Oh and I too got the Prestine Clean spray head tip from Todd a while back! He’s pretty helpful sometimes :).

      Thanks again Jon!

  2. Steven Palmisano says:

    HI Ivan – Wrote you in the past and appreciate your talent. I am a Pancreatic Cancer Stage 4 individual that has been in battle for about 18 months now, (with God’s intervention I’ve already beaten the odds). I love detailing but I’m really learning by reading as much as I can, but boy there is tons to know. So if I ay can answer a couple of question.

    1) Should I wear a respirator and if so do you which kind would be best?
    2) I am about to pull the trigger on a Porter Cable 5.5 buffer, with M105, M205 and do your mix of M300 using orange pads for the 105/m300 mix and black pads for the M205 – Is this right?
    3) Do I need a primer to spray the pads before I start?
    4) Here is my plan but need assurance I have to order right – Compound with M105/M300 mix (orange), followed by M205 as a the polish, (Black pad), followed by Carnuba Wax (don’t know which pad? Like to use a pad because I run out of energy) Followed by a Sealant. Is the right.

    Lastly what you change or add? Ivan I appreciate your help. Best regards and Thank you, Steven Palmisano

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