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Introducing the 22PLE Glass Coat Applicator


It’s just an applicator, so why do an entire article on it? Well, if this product was not a stand out product I wouldn’t have bothered writing this article, but it is! I know if you try it once, you will surely use it again!

Let’s start with the monetary savings the 22PLE Glass Coat Applicator will provide. Rather than using a foam pad which will absorb excess coating, this applicator will allow for a more even spread of the coating across the entire surface. This will not only allow for a more efficient use of your coating, but also a more even layer of coating will be applied to your paint. Additionally, by being two sided this applicator can be used at least twice, doubling your value.

The shape of the applicator is also very unique, as it allows you to get into every inch of the car’s panels. Unlike a foam sponge that can make it challenging not to get product on surrounding surfaces, this applicator is ideal for tight areas and you will not get it on trim or glass.

You can see below that the applicator has a fine layer of a felt like material, followed by a more porous foam, and then a block that will not absorb product.


Always prime the applicator before use.


Using the applicator is just as normal as any other applicator you have used. When applying the coating, use the standard cross hatch pattern to ensure full, even, and level coverage.


Then, level the area as normal. I go over exact application techniques here in this article 22PLE Application.  I also addressed the issues of excessive product usage in that article, explaining the reason why other applicators are not suggested because the foam pads can absorb quite a bit of product. Something like a ‘soft touch cotton pad’ is thin and won’t hold as much product. Which is fine, because I also ‘prime’ the surface with a few drops around the entire area I am working on to use less product.  With the release of this applicator specific for coatings, this is no longer needed!

The results of a properly polished, and then a properly coated car are well worth the time. Take a look below!



Gregory Gellas
Signature Detailing NJ
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
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2 comments on Introducing the 22PLE Glass Coat Applicator

  1. Ryan says:

    This review shows a tan/brown pad. The product page shows a black pad. Is the black a new version? The reviews on the product page are old and not very favorable.

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