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Introducing Lake Country Force Pads


Force pads group

With the new large throw DA polishers hitting the market and becoming super popular, we have seen overall pad thickness shrink, as thinner pads produce less heat and should help improve polishing results. This is great if you own a Rupes, TORQ, Griot’s Garage BOSS, etc., but what if you own a forced random orbital polisher, aka the Flex XC 3401 VRG? With this forced random orbital polisher, detailers have found that thicker pads can bring you better results instead of the thinner pads we see today. Lake Country has taken the request from detailers seriously and brought you the Force line of pads. This line is a revamp of their popular Hybrid pad line and features the awesome Hybrid Foam Technology we all love. Each pad is 1.25″ thick rather than the 7/8″ on the CCS and Flat pads we carry already. These pads work amazing on your Flex, but they also work great on any other buffer on the market. If you just like thicker pads in general, check out these pads asap!

Below is an overview of the Force pad line and a breakdown of each of these new pads directly from David Patterson at Lake Country:

The new Lake Country Mfg. FORCE Pads are our newest and updated version to replace our previous HYBRID Pads.

With the market and machines changing, we decided to revamp the Hybrid line by adding a new cutting pad, but also offer additional sizes.

Forced rotation and Rotary pad users usually all tend to agree that a thicker pad is preferred. Because of the additional downward force possible with these types of machines compared to standard DA machines, a thicker pad usually outperforms a thinner pad, and is more user friendly.

The tapered design and 1.25″ thickness provide a user experience that unlike other pads on the market.

The FORCE pads use the same HYBRID foam technology and now combine a ventilated center hole for cooling and centering.

Along with the design, sizes offered changed to now offer a full line that can fit many machines.

We received a lot of feedback over the years about people interested in smaller pads to match the HYBRID foams they were using on the large machine.

Because of this we have decided to offer these sizes –

  • 3.5″ x 1.25″ with 6″ loop (NO center hole) Made to fit 3″ backing plates
  • 5.5″ x 1.25″ with 6″ loop (with center hole) Made to fit on 4-3/8″ and 5″ backing plates
  • 6.5″ x 1.25″ with 6″ loop (with center hole) Made to fit 5.5″ and 6″ backing plates


Grey – Our new HYBRID grey foam is a heavy cutting pad that resists collapsing with heat. These pads work great for heavy defect removal and spot repair, but also work great for polishing on very hard clear coats. This pad is highly recommended in areas with high heat and/or humidity, and can also be “broken in” by soaking in warm water and spinning dry.


Orange – The HYBRID orange pad had been a favorite for years, and will now be even better with our new profile. This pad works great for cutting in colder climates, but can be used as a light cutting pad in warmer temps. This foam softens with heat throughout the polishing cycle to give a good bite in cutting ability but still finish well.


White – The HYBRID white is a staple for polishing and leaves a perfect finish on many paints. The partially closed cell construction helps “smash” or “sandwich” the abrasive to the surface to maximum effectiveness and break down of most polishes.


Black – The HYBRID black foam is the perfect solution for any finish work, even on the softest, most finicky paints. The HYBRID black is different than other black foams you will see in other pads on the market. The silky feel combined with the slightly denser body creates a perfect combo for finishing.


Red – The red foam is softer than our black, but has a slightly larger cell structure for better residue control when using cleaner wax ad all in one (AIO) polish applications. This pad can also be used for wax/sealant applications also.

The Lake Country Force pads are available for pre-order right now! We expect to have them in stock around 5/19 and we will also have a product review article up at that time for your reading pleasure. If you have any questions about these pads please do not hesitate to leave it in the comments section below!

7 comments on Introducing Lake Country Force Pads

  1. Joe@NextLevelDetail says:

    Thank you for this write up, these pads look pretty sweet cant wait to order them

  2. Derrick says:

    I know these were made for forced rotation polishers, but can it be used for long throw as well?

  3. Walter Havens says:

    Can’t wait to try the new Force pads. I love the Hybrid pads.

  4. Scott Rousseau says:

    Are they good for a good paint correction on a Rupes 21 or Rupes 15? Will the heat separate the pad from the velcro?

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Scott – These pads will work great on the Rupes 21 or 15. The large throw of these units can always cause issues with delamination, however I have found if you keep the pressure to a minimum and work at speeds 3-4, you will see outstanding results.

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