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Introducing A New Author, Kevin George!



Detailed Image is excited to introduce a brand new Ask-a-Pro Detailer Blog Author, Kevin George from KMG Detailing! Many detailers have started off with a simple love of cars before diving into high end car detailing and Kevin is no different. From the various beaters, muscle cars, etc. that Kevin took care of, he decided to start a part-time detailing business on the side. With the high quality detail work he provided, people took notice. Kevin is excited to share the extensive knowledge he learned with the detailing community and all of our great Ask-a-Pro readers. He has just finished up a few articles that we think you’ll really enjoy.  The subject matter ranges from product reviews to a great article about detailing a budget beater car, Kevin has initially covered a wide variety of topics!

Take a look below for more information about Kevin George and his business, KMG Detailing.

My name is Kevin M. George and I live and grew up in Lebanon, Pa. After a year in the National Guard during my senior year in high school, just after graduation from high school in 2000 I was diagnosed with Lymphoma which resulted in a medical discharge. So after a year at home going through treatments I attended Pennsylvania College of Technology studying Civil Engineering Technology. I have worked in the Civil Engineering field since graduating from PennTech in 2004 performing site design and land development work for both commercial and residential development.

Growing up I got the car bug from my father, and have always been into playing with things that are motorized. I have owned many cars since getting my license, many of which required work. From a 1965 Mustang Fastback, multiple other mustangs, Firebirds, Trans Ams, trucks or even brand new cars. I have always been interested in taking great care of them and trying to make the look better. Having worked on my own vehicles over the years, I decided a few years ago to start a part-time business working on other peoples cars. At this point I sold off some of my project cars to make room in the garage and this is when KMG Detailing was formed.

After the first year or doing a lot of friends and family member’s cars, the second year is where things really took off for me as word of mouth for my services began to spread. This is when I got more into paint correction work and started playing with paint coatings. I invested a good amount of time and money into equipment and learning proper technique in doing such work. By the end of my second year I was doing a lot of correction work and now was offering two choices of professional only coatings. This is now the core of my work and what I really enjoy doing. One of my most enjoyable details was actually probably one of the least valuable cars I have worked on.  It is actually the focus of one of my first blog posts about a 2001 Honda Civic Ex that was purchased for $800 that I did a simple 2-step correction on. It is always enjoyable when you can take something that has little value, and after spending some time on it drastically increase the value of the car. Don’t get me wrong I like working on newer more expensive vehicles also, but most of the time they just don’t have that dramatic transformation after being done.

I have been very active in a local car club with my father attending car shows almost every weekend. I am also active in local youth soccer with my son who plays travel soccer and help out in coaching his team. Like most of the other authors I enjoy photography. After taking a few classes both in high school and one in college it has been something I have done on and off over the years. I have gotten much more interested in it since I have begun detailing as I like to really document the process to share with my clients.

Let’s all give Kevin a big Detailed Image welcome to the Ask-a-Pro Blog below!

10 comments on Introducing A New Author, Kevin George!

  1. Welcome to the team, Kevin!

  2. Michael G says:

    Welcome Kevin

  3. Kevin George says:

    Thanks guys, I really look forward to being able to contribute the AAP Blog.

  4. Greg@DI says:

    Welcome to the team! Excited to see some of your articles.

  5. Reece @ DI says:

    Welcome to the team Kevin!

  6. Steve K. a.k.a fdresq4 says:

    Awesome news Kevin! Congrats!

  7. AutoSparkle says:

    Look forward to your post Kevin, I know they will be great!
    You are greatness sir, and it’s only the beginning.
    I appreciate all of you guys that share your knowledge and passion unselfishly.
    Continued succes to you!

  8. Dennis Cowe says:

    Tried Dodo Juice Blue Velvet wax What do you suggest to use for a detail spray Thanks Dennis

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