I’ve seen a lot of claims on social media in regards to interior detailing protecting consumers from SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 / CORONAVIRUS and I’d like to frame expectations of car owners so they better understand an interior detail is not a “silver bullet” for protecting themselves.
For medical professionals in all likelihood (obviously), there’s absolutely nothing I can offer you in this video. But there are many people being told that an interior detail protects owners from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease facing the world right now. There is a measure of truth to that but as I completed my HAZMAT Tech certification (many years ago …but still, some things remained with me), I have a solid respect of the threats cross-contamination has and I want to stress how cleaning/disinfecting a vehicle’s interior is only a part of protecting oneself and that vigilance is needed to keep that space free of the virus.
Interior detailing is not the “silver bullet” to protect yourself from Coronavirus / COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 and in this video, I will explain exactly why that’s a reality with the most current data available. Meat and potatoes of the video starts (I’m long-winded) here: 7:04
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