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Product Review | Meguiar’s M110 & M210


Ultra Pro Speed Compound M110 and Finishing Polish M210

At SEMA 2018, Meguiar’s launched two new innovative polishing liquids, M110 & M210.  These new DA specific advanced polishing liquids utilize SMAT (Super Micro Abrasive Technology) to delivery even and consistent cutting ability over the entire polishing cycle while also producing a low dusting effect. Basically, these abrasives don’t breakdown like diminishing abrasives do. These SMAT abrasives stay consistent over a typical buffing cycle. This allows the user to have some control over the length of a polishing cycle without compromising finishing ability.

Since M110 and M210 were released, I have been testing them in the shop on a few different paint types. Listed below are some of my initial thoughts. I’ll be sure to update you with some additional findings as my testing continues.

M110/M210 Test:

Meguiar’s Ultra Pro Speed Compound M110


  • Excellent as a 1 step polishing compound with HDO pad
  • Very low dusting
  • On softer paints had more than enough cut to remove sanding marks, swirls and light scratches
  • Leaves a really nice finish with manageable micro marring
  • Much easier wipe off when comparing to Meguiar’s M100 Pro Speed Compound
  • Long working cycle


  • Not quite as much cut as I would have liked ( M100 seemed to have a little bit more cut under the same fixed variables)
  • Has limitations on hard paints with severe defects
  • Price point- M100 is still the best value for money

Meguiar’s Ultra Pro Finishing Polish M210


  • Left a high gloss finish on both paints with minimum to no micro marring
  • Very low dusting
  • Long working cycle


  • Had cutting ability limitations while using it as a 1 step polish

We had the privilege of interviewing Markus Kleis from Meguiars at SEMA 2018. In this interview, he describes exactly what these new liquids are all about.

James Melfi
Holliston, MA
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9 comments on Product Review | Meguiar’s M110 & M210

  1. rlmccarty2000 says:

    The main question is how do they compare to 105 and 205? Is 105 as good as D300 on microfiber pads? I lean more to DAT compounds like Menz 400 or Jescar Compound but there are times where cutting is more important than finishing, that’s when I go to Meguires.

  2. Tony Flores says:

    Do these Meguiar products take the place of M-105 and M-205? If so I’ve got big containers to throw away.Thanks

  3. peter pan says:

    Meg’s 105 cutting and finishing abilities are incredible but the dusting is horrendous. It was great in its day but its time has come and gone. There are better products to be had so I no longer use it. If 110 cuts and finishes like 105 without the dusting it will be a winner. For me it’s definitely worth a try. Currently I like the Griots BOSS System with their Fast Correcting Cream w/Meg’s M/F cutting pad. Its cutting and finishing performance is outstanding with little to no dusting. It is far superior to Meg’s 105. Follow that with Griots BOSS Finishing Sealant that has mild Micro Abrasives and a high concentration of Polymer Synthetic Sealant w/their foam BOSS Black Finishing pad and you will have a fabulous two step finish. Or take it to the next level with Griots BOSS Perfecting Cream (comparable to Meg’s new 210) w/their BOSS Yellow Perfecting pad after the FCC to remove any aggressive polish hazing/ spider swirls that might have occurred. After the Perfecting Cream for the Final Step use Griots Finish Sealant or their non abrasive Polymer Sealant if you are satisfied after the PC correction.
    I heard that Meg’s had lost some of its top dogs to Griots who helped them develop the Griots BOSS System. If true I suspect Meg’s 110/210 are their answers to keeping up with superior Griots products. It will be interesting to see how Meg’s 110 @ $1.16 oz. retail – stacks up against Griots FCC @ $1.50 oz. retail. Hopefully if 110/210 perform well we can save some $$$ one way or another. Ahhh.., the beautiful benefits of competition.

    • Roger Carlson says:

      I have also heard that some former Megs chemists went to work for Griot’s. Competition is a good thing!

  4. pdqgp says:

    Works great but the only thing I will say when used with L.C. Purple or Blue Wool pads is there will be dust. I expected there would be because of the properties of wool pads but I wanted to mention it in case others were wondering. Finishes out great and cuts well. My go to for heavy cut is CarPro ClearCut which is still a better product for heavy correction needs but the New Megs products work.

  5. James Stockwell says:

    I have been using M101 for a few years and it works great! But, it’s expensive! How would M210 compare to M101?

    • pdqgp says:

      101 still cuts better…..but I would encourage you to try CarPro ClearCut if you’re really looking for even faster cutting but far far better finishing from a compound vs M101 or M105. ClearCut has a clear advantage there. Makes for super fast detailing as the level of polishing needed afterwards is minimal.

  6. Carlos says:

    My experience with 110 on 5”MF pad via DA
    Tested on newest gen 911 and it had decent cut. However when I tried it on much older air cooled 911 OEM paint its cut wasn’t as I’d expected so had to back track and redo entire hood with D300. Like others have mentioned 105 dusts way to much. Will give 110 few more tries and report back at later date.

  7. Mike Moore says:

    Things learned…
    I’ve been using M110 and M210 since its announcement by Megs at SEMA 2018.
    IIRC Megs stated it’s their first new compounds (except M100-M101) in ten years.
    As with all polishes, in IMHO, they are all paint dependent. Every paint is different.

    Initial Thoughts…
    To date I have done quite a few vehicles with the new Megs M110/M210 combo.
    For most vehicles the cut and finish does a very fine job with little to no dusting.
    Work time and removal are much easier than M105/M205. M210 finishes great!
    They have become my test-spot go-to. Hard paint, soft paint, I test with the duo.

    M110 can/may leave a fog, haze, micro marring etc. on some softer paint.
    On other paint M110 works as a fine 1 step (if you need a 1 step product)

    M210 is a great polish for “normal” paints. It finishes with nice clarity and gloss.

    This new Megs duo is something I feel should be a go-to in your arsenal.

    M101 has been my go-to since it was released. I was never a fan on M105.
    I like Megs M101. I have not used M101 since I have started using M110.

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