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How to Repair Damaged Leather



This article was written by Ram Iyer of Colourlock UK!

Leather can withstand a certain amount of wear and tear but, eventually, scuffs and scratches will start to show. In extreme cases, the leather may crack or rip.
When leather is scratched, it not only breaks the fibers and roughens the surface, but it also affects the color. But, don’t worry, help is at hand. At Colourlock, we stock everything you need to repair the damage.

Colourlock Leather Fresh Dye is a simple way to revitalize the color. It is available in 46 standard shades. If you can’t find the exact match, send us an example of the leather – cut a small piece from a hidden area – and we can customize the color. For leather car upholstery, we can provide most of the colors used by the main car manufacturers. If you’re not sure, ask your dealer or send us your car registration and VIN/chassis number and we will find out for you.

Before applying Leather Fresh, you will first need to clean the area with either Colourlock Mild Leather Cleaner or Colourlock Strong Leather Cleaner depending on the extent of soiling. If the dirt is deeply ingrained, you may need the Colourlock Leather Cleaning Brush. Next, apply Colourlock Leather Cleaning Spirit to remove grease and wax. This ensures that the dye sticks.

After smoothing out any rough areas with the Colourlock Sanding Pad, apply Leather Fresh, using a sponge. Depending on the depth of the scratches, you may need to apply several layers. But always make sure the area is dry before adding another layer.

For more serious scratches and tears, fill them with Colourlock Liquid Leather before applying Leather Fresh. By following these steps, you should see a noticeable improvement. For more information, visit our website or speak to one of our experts.

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