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How to Remove Tint – IGL Gluoff Review


Have you ever removed tint? If you have, and aren’t a professional shop, chances are once you got the film off you regretted your decision. The adhesive residue left from window tint can be very difficult to remove. Now, what it if I told you that I was able to remove ALL of the residue, in 14 minutes. This is where the IGL Coatings Gluoff comes into play.

Gluoff Bottle_1

To start, you want to have either a heat gun, or a steamer to heat up the adhesive to help it release from the window. The slower you go the less adhesive you will have to remove, so take your time.

tint film_1

Next, grab the IGL Gluoff and spray a section of the window, have a microfiber under to ensure it does not drip onto your door, as it can damage it since it is rather harsh. The sprayer also leaks a tad to be careful. Then grab a stiff sponge, like the DI Bug Sponge, and scrub away. Follow up with a microfiber to pick up the adhesive you have now removed, before it has a chance to dry again.

Repeat this process until all the adhesive is removed. Then spray a few sprays onto the whole window and wipe again with a microfiber to get any residual adhesive. Follow up with a glass cleaner like Meguiars D120 and a glass towel like Griots PFM and boom, tint gone.

Tint Before

With tint_1

Tint After

Without tint_1

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
Instagram | YouTube

8 comments on How to Remove Tint – IGL Gluoff Review

  1. rlmccarty2000 says:

    Does this work on PPF after removal. Many customers leave PPF on way past its lifespan and the adhesive sucks to remove. It can remove the paint too!

    • Ian says:

      It can definitely help, but you’re still going to have a bad time if the PPF is cracking. One it is off, Gluoff can make quick work of the residue, but the PPF itself won’t allow the product to seep behind it as well as it should. But this plus some heat and plastic razor blades should help a lot!

      • rlmccarty2000 says:

        Great! As long as it is paint safe anything that is made to loosen the adhesive is without causing more problems helps.

  2. D Hugh says:

    Will this work to remove ugly airbag warning on visors

    • Ian says:

      It can, but if they have been on for a while you will likely have a color difference in the fabric from where it was since the rest of the visor will have been exposed to the sun. If it’s new just don’t over saturate and yes it can help!


    I have a 2006 corvette and the rear hatch glass tint has a mottled look like air pockets in the tint. Will this remove the factory tint without harming the defroster wires?

  4. B ride says:

    Glass cleaner, the active ingredient in glass cleaner has always worked for easy removal. I don’t like using solvents inside the car.

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