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How to Remove Road Tar From my Vehicle?


Another common question I hear from people, especially owners of lighter colored cars, is “how do I remove road tar from my vehicle?” Removing road tar is actually very easy but it takes a little patience for it to be done safely. You will first want to thoroughly wash and dry the car. Once the vehicle is clean and dry, simply spray on a cleaner such as Stoners Tarminator and let it dwell for several minutes. As the cleaner is dwelling you will know it’s starting to work when you start to see brown streaks running down the paint. After allowing adequate dwelling time you will want to take a clean soft towel (which is dedicated for dirtier jobs) and gently wipe away the remaining tar. Finally you will then want to rewash and dry the areas where you used the tar remover. Also be aware that strong cleaners such as tar removers will not only remove tar, but will also remove any wax or sealant you may have had on the car prior to cleaning.


-Very thick or heavy tar may require additional dwelling time or a second application. The additional help of a plastic razor blade can also reduce the amount of time and product needed for large chunky tar globs.

-It is always a good idea to wear eye and hand protection during the use of any strong cleaners such as tar removers.

-Always follow the precautions listed on the products being used.

Chad Rskovich Rasky's Auto Detailing
Chad Raskovich
Rasky's Auto Detailing
Minneapolis, MN

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