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How to Properly Care for Clear Bra


Clear Bra (Paint Protection Film, PPF, etc.) can be an amazing source of protection for your paint. However, it is important to remember that it is a form of protection first and can look great as a byproduct. It can weather, scratch, peel, etc and look bad, but it is protecting the paintwork underneath which is the most important part.

With that said, there are many methods to help protect and even correct clear bra to keep it looking as good as possible.

Cleaning Methods:

Cleaning clear bra is no different that cleaning normal paint. Use gentle shampoo (i.e. Chemical Guys Maxi Suds) and make sure there is plenty of lubricity.


This is also just like your paint and you can use sealants, waxes and even coatings to protect the clear bra from UV rays that could yellow it and add hydrophobic capabilities. If the vehicle has exposed edges of the clear bra (i.e. half hood) ensure you tape off the edge too not allow for wax to get under the edge, which is extremely hard to clean after. (p.s. half hoods never look good but that’s a topic for a different day).


Correcting clear bra is possible, but not at the same level as paint. A very light polish (i.e. Menzerna 3800) is all that should be used and making sure you monitor the heat of the panel is crucial as to not burn the clear bra. Many times with clear bras the only way to correct them, is to remove them. They have done their job in protecting the paint against all of that damage and now it must be removed and replaced.

Damaged Clear Bra
Damaged Clear Bra

Old Clear Bra
Old Clear Bra

Bare Paint
Bare Paint

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
Instagram | YouTube

2 comments on How to Properly Care for Clear Bra

  1. Ayaz says:

    I have clear bra on my car for last two years and it has swirls, can I fix swirls by hand and what polish/pad I can use by hand?


  2. Tomato says:

    Ayaz 2 year old PPF can easily be corrected for swirls just like paint. Compound it with DA/Buffer but at medium speed I prefer 4 out of 6. Don’t lean into it with as much pressure as paint but still give it some pressure with buffer while working in the compound. Keep the area your working in small and tight I usually do about 1’x1′ area at time. Gently wipe off compound with MF towel after you finish the hood. After this do NOT freak out when you see the residue left behind from compounding stage. The next step just like paint follow it up with a very light polish with white polishing pad. For this stage keep buffer at same speed and similar pressure as you compounded. You’ll see once you wipe off polish the clear bra is free of swirls and on much older clear bras any hazing from old age is completely gone.

    I deal with this on a daily basis worst one was about 8 years old on blue 911. Client was going to replace it cause it was severely hazed due to age. However once I did with steps above she decided to keep it as it looked like new again. Treat PPF like paint just do not run buffer at max speed come down to 4 of 6 and you’ll be fine. Afterwards seal or wax but careful with edges so LSP doesn’t get into film or will be nightmare to undo from there.

    Mr. Tomato
    Owner Tomato Werks
    DFW Luxury Auto Detailing all over Texas!!

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