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13 comments on How to Inspect Light Colored Paint

  1. Curt says:

    Hey, what kind of tape is that? Thank you.

    • Curt says:

      Please excuse the “offtopicness” of my question lol. Nice article. I often work in the dark, regardless of the color. I find there is a calming aspect to working in dark as well.

    • Wow – surprised you even noticed the tiny bit of tape visible in the image. We use CarPro’s red masking tape.

  2. KB in MD says:

    The first time I found out how white paint can fool you into thinking you were defect free was the night after I did a light detail. Later that night getting gas in the dark, OMGosh. The gas station overhead LED lights highlited every single swirl, scuff & RIDS I thought I had corrected. FAIL 🙁

    I thought the tape had little men on it? LoL!

  3. wayne says:

    Can you recommend any inexpensive inspection lights?

    • Well, as with most tools, you get what you pay for. Depending on what your budget is, there are plenty of great options for around $100-$150. My personal favorite light (the ones used in this video) is a DIY project that involves some photography gear and LED bulbs… you can email me if you want more information.

  4. Jai McRae says:

    In Ammo’s lighting video with Richard Lin. Where can I find that same set up he had with the LED lighting he had?

  5. Raymon Samuel says:

    After you find them, how do you repair them? I am new that is why I am not set up yet.

    • A paint correction process is used to remove the defects and restore the finish. Paint correction utilizes abrasive compounds and polishes paired with various pads and machines in order to level the surface (ie remove paint) to produce a flat, defect free finish. You can find plenty of information in other Ask-A-Pro Blog articles and also on our detailing guide found here (https://www.detailedimage.com/Auto-Detailing-Guide/)

  6. tuan says:

    Omg thanks. I had so much trouble trying to see any marring on a silver car. I went out and bought a 500lumen led thinking it would solve the problem lol

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