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How To: Gyeon Quartz Q2M Bathe Essence


Yes, many of us were looking for a 4L quantity of Q2M Bathe to release at SEMA 2018. We received a ton of requests for this worldwide. After much deliberation, it was decided that an extremely easy to use, concentrated version of Q2M Bathe would be a better fit. 4L RTU is nice, however it is extremely expensive to ship all over the country for distributors, resellers, and end users alike. We are all literally paying to ship water. Welcome to Q2M Bathe Essence!


Q2M Bathe Essence will not disappoint. It is a highly concentrated formula that delivers a ton of cleaning power, loads of suds, plenty of lubrication, and with the included pump dispenser the dilution is as simple as it can be.

Here’s how to use it:

Remove the top and attach the Pump Dispenser included with the Q2M Bathe Essence bottle.


I snagged this child’s medicine measuring device from the local pharmacy, for free…shout out to King Soopers. I wanted to know exactly how much each pump of the dispenser would provide. Pump #1. I primed the pump to get a true reading. Each pump of the dispenser delivers a near perfect 2 ml of Q2M Bathe Essence.


Pump #2


And pump #3.


The packaging calls for 5 ml- 10 ml of product. I found 6 ml to be perfect in 4 gals of water.


Pour the 6 ml of Q2M Bathe Essence in to an empty wash bucket. Then fill with about 4 gal of water.


That’s it! Now take cool suds pictures.



Jeff McEachran
Jeff McEachran

5 comments on How To: Gyeon Quartz Q2M Bathe Essence

  1. Robert says:

    Hi Jeff, another great product from Gyeon, and for the dilution ratio can get many washes like a gallon size as well… one question…the soap suspend the mineral content of the water to reduce water spots?

  2. Mike says:

    Hi Jeff great write up. What separates it from regular bathe besides concentration? Does it provide more cleaning power than regular bathe?

    • Mike says:

      Jeff I got my answer on the Gyeon facebook page from a Gyeon rep stating these are both the same and what separates them is the concentration and the fact that bathe essence contains no dye’s or fragrances.

  3. Jeff McEachran says:

    Hey Guys! Sorry for the late reply. The concentration of the product is certainly the main differentiation. It will go a LONG way. Yes that is correct Bathe Essence will not hold any die or fragrance.

  4. john keturoskey says:

    how much would recommend to use when putting into a foamer (not a lance)

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