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How to Create Detailing Content


How to Create Detailing Content

I believe this is a subject that simply doesn’t get discussed enough. How we created content is a very powerful way that the entire industry can raise the bar as a whole. The content we put out can help answer the most common questions that many detail business owners struggle to answer when first starting out. These principles come from a book called, “They Ask, You Answer”.

Think about the most common question we get asked as detailers or even service providers in general. That question is , “How much?”. You would think that we would have hundreds of blogs, explainer videos, tiktoks, Youtube shorts, Reels and more about this subject. Yet, you rarely see someone even make a post about pricing and how we come to the package pricing solution. Imagine if every detailer in the US produced a blog entitled, “How much is a detail”. I think we would make a massive move in educating our markets.

This principle of answering the common questions is how we gain the respect of our potential clients. We have done this on a very large scale at Dirty2Dreamy. I’m super proud to say that we have even made an online Ebook library about some of the most common questions. You can view that at The Dream Way – eBooks. We have answered the most common questions about how we care for people’s vehicles. This turns into qualified leads ready to book appointments because they know exactly how their vehicle will be treated.

So, how do you get started making content to answer some of the most common questions? That’s easy. Go through your past messages, texts, FB messages and look for the most common questions. After you have found a few, start writing blogs, producing videos and other content answering those questions. In your content, you will get more questions. Continue to answer the questions that consumers provide you and position yourself as the expert to ask!

What if you don’t communicate through text and have no content to start with? That’s easy too! You have clients you can reach out to. Ask them what they would love to know about detailing and your services. Tell them you are trying to produce content to help people learn more about the business you are so passionate about. Your true supporters will jump at this opportunity and give you a ton of feedback!

Here are some of the most common and viral pieces of content I have ever made to get you started:

  • How much is a detail?
  • How to leave streak free windows?
  • How to remove stains?
  • How much is a ceramic coating?
  • What is paint correction?
  • What is a paint enhancement?
  • How do you clean leather properly?
Jonathan Monson
Auburn, WA
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2 comments on How to Create Detailing Content

  1. Nice thoughts Jonathan, definitely it helps when we give value in the form of education to our clients. It enlightens them and helps them feel comfortable choosing our service over others. The largest challenge to overcome is the feeling of, “but other Detailers will be looking at this and using that info”. Generally this doesn’t matter, Because there are so few Detailers that do this. The clients will see differences between what you offer & the care you bring to your industry vs others who may be focused just on making a buck. If you’re focusing on your own business, and your own clients, that’s when you’ll do well.

  2. Absolutely! It’s a great way to differentiate yourself in a market for sure

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