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How To: Coat Your Windshield with Gyeon Quartz Q2 View


This how to article is written by Jeff McEachran, the national brand manager at Gyeon USA.

Gyeon View in package

Product Description:

Gyeon Q2 View is a specially formulated window coating, that brings you an exceptional level of water repellency and clarity. Nothing is more important while driving than driving safely, which can be especially challenging during bad weather, or if your windshield is dirty. Gyeon View is a highly hydrophobic window coating, that will not only help bead and sheet water from the surface, but it helps keep dirt and other contamination from sticking to the window while driving. This helps keep your glass cleaner, for much longer.

What’s Included:

Items included in Gyeon View

Gyeon Cleanse: Cleanse is designed to prepare the windshield for Repel. It is a cleaner that also acts as a bonding agent between Repel and the glass.

Gyeon Cleanse

Large Foam Block: This Large Foam Block is used for the application of Cleanse only.

Large Foam Block

Gyeon Repel: Repel is the fluorine based coating that creates the water repellency.

Gyeon Repel

Small Foam Block: The Small Foam Block is used during the application of Repel only, along with the Micro Suedes.

Small Foam Block

Micro Suedes: The Micro Suedes are wrapped around the Small Foam Block and used to apply Repel only.

Micro Suedes

Step 1:

Clean the windshield with a high-quality Glass Cleaner, like Gyeon Glass

Gyeon Glass

Cleaning glass

Step 2:

I like to split the windshield in to 4 quadrants when applying Cleanse. Apply Cleanse to 1 quadrant at a time and wipe the area with a damp cloth as discussed below before moving on to the next quadrant.

Apply 4-6 drops of Cleanse to the felt side of your Large Foam Block.

Applying Gyeon Cleanse to Large Foam Block

Choose your first quadrant. Apply Cleanse in overlapping circular motions. I usually move in a straight line horizontally away from my body and towards the center of the windshield, then drop down half a row, and move back towards my body away from the center and repeat until you have covered your quadrant. I use a fairly fast arm motion with Cleanse and medium tight circles. I am not worried about “evenness” at this stage, just a good base layer for Repel to bond to next.

Applying Gyeon Cleanse to windshield

Gyeon Cleanse residue

You can work Cleanse in to the glass until it almost disappears, however do not let it get too dry. Then wipe the area clean with a damp cloth making sure to leave a perfectly clean and dry window behind, as you will be applying Repel next. So, this is your final surface.

Note: The Gyeon directions included in the Kit read a little funky at this stage. It looks like it asks you to use an entire bottle of Cleanse to prep the surface. DO NOT DO THAT. It is referring to Repel here but it is in the wrong section.

Wipe away Gyeon Cleanse residue

Step 3:

Now it is time for Repel. Repel is a fluorine base coating that will evaporate out quickly. It will not feel like a traditional SiO2 based paint coating. Not as thick.

Wrap one Micro Suede over the Small Foam Block as shown.

Wrap micro suede around small foam block

Apply 4-6 drops of Repel to the Micro Suede. Going on heavier is better than not enough.

applying Repel to suede cloth

For this process, I will again split the windshield in to 4 quadrants. Choose your first quadrant and begin to apply Repel in straight lines and overlapping sections. My arm speed is medium here as well.

Wipe Repel onto windshield

Wipe up any remaining residue with a fresh microfiber, making sure you have a clean and streak free windshield

wipe Repel residue off with clean microfiber towel

VERY IMPORTANT: Do not forget to apply Repel to the windshield wiper blades as well. They will skip if you do not. It is best to raise the wipers and let them sit up and off of the glass for a few minutes after Repel has been applied.

Apply repel to wiperblades

You’re finished! Allow the windshield to remain dry for a few hours and then drive around hoping it will rain!

Jeff McEachran
Jeff McEachran

12 comments on How To: Coat Your Windshield with Gyeon Quartz Q2 View

  1. Greg Pautler says:

    Can you please add pictures? jk thank you for the great post with lots of pics they are definitely helpful! I must use this kit before an upcoming road trip in case there is a rainstorm along the way. I can’t wait to see the results and ensure a safe drive.

  2. Craig says:

    How long does this product last before you need to re-apply?

    • Jeff McEachran says:

      Hi Craig. On overage we are seeing about 1 year of hydrophobic properties. This is super dependent on maintenance as well as climate. But you can certainly re apply the Repel whenever necessary.

  3. Doug Green says:

    How does this product compare to G Techniq G1 and CarPro FlybyForte? Specifically, which performs better at lower speeds and which lasts longer?

    • Jeff McEachran says:

      Tough to say, unless you run all 3 on the same windshield side by side, which I have not done. I’m sure they all work great!

  4. Mike (The Guz) says:

    Great write up Jeff.

  5. Mark Fiscaletti says:

    Wanted to know when the time comes, how do you remove the coating?

  6. Cliff Marano says:

    What is the temperature range that is acceptable to apply this product? Thanks.

  7. Michael ledonne says:

    How many applications can you get on just the windshield alone(how many cars) from the 20ml bottle

  8. Evan Green says:

    Well done, Jeff! If I wanted to put on a second coat on the windshield, what would be the process?

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