My dog, like most dogs, at least I think, love to lick the windows and get their nose prints all over. The passenger door window started to get really grimy. I thought it would be hard to take a picture of how bad it got but it showed up with no problem.
How to clean dog slobber and nose prints off your window? I decided to use P&S True Vue Glass Cleaner RTU (ready to use) to tackle this problem or the glass cleaner of your choice. You saw how bad it was in the picture above. Using a glass specific towel, I used The Rag Company Diamond Glass Towel and liberally sprayed True Vue on the towel to take a first pass at it. This first pass is to break down and clean as much of that grime off as possible. I had to put some elbow grease into it and it came out pretty well as you can see in the picture.
On my second pass I used a clean towel to remove any cleaning residue left for a streak free finish.
To show off results to the max I also had to clean the exterior of the window. In the same manner I cleaned the exterior windows after finishing the interior ones.
Now, let’s take a look at the side by side results in this 50/50 shot. I’m going to safely say visibility has increased drastically.
After cleaning the windows my dog has already mucked them up! Does your dog lick your car windows?