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How to Clean and Care for Vinyl Tops

Vinyl tops on an old muscle car can look amazing, but over time they start to get dirty and dried out. So how can you care for them?

It is actually very easy to do, dare I say, “So easy a caveman could do it”? While it won’t save you 15%, it will change the overall look of the vehicle dramatically while also nourishing the vinyl, so it does not begin to crack.

As you can see this vinyl top looks grey and has noticeable contamination on it.

GlossAngeles Vinyl Care 1

GlossAngeles Vinyl Care 2

Step 1: Clean it

Simply spray the cleaner directly onto the vinyl top, brush it with the leather brush to agitate and then buff clean.


Cleaned, now ready to protect.

GlossAngeles Vinyl Care 3

Step 2: Protect it

Load the applicator pad up with the dressing and begin working it into the vinyl. Much like you would with tires, hence the name Vinyl Rubber Plastic (VRP). Watch how the vinyl absorbs the dressing as you may need more in some spots depending on how dry it is. Then simply level it off with a microfiber towel. It’s good practice to do this again after it has some time to set.


Notice the deep, rich black color

Step 3: That’s it!

Caring for vinyl tops is a big point of concern for owners, but as you can see it is very simple. There are tons of cleaners and protectants to complete this job and they all work great. The main thing is to ensure you do not let the cleaner sit too long or use something too strong, as it could discolor the vinyl.

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