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Projects | Honda Type R | Mobile Concert Detail


Over the summer we received a call to detail something a little special. Honda had partnered with the One Republic Concert Series and was bringing their Honda Type R  Serial #00000 on tour with them. Honda requested we come out to clean and protect the Type-R for a concert that night. We didn’t want to pass this one up!

This particular Type R, was a pre-production car but was extremely close to what the production model was going to look like.  The car underwent a pretty cool transformation before it left for the tour. It was Honda jet black with matte black painted accents and graphics to promote the concert.

We knew going into this detail that we were not going to have access to water or power, so we planned on conducting a rinse-less wash process followed by adding protection. The goal of this detail was to remove any dust and grime from the transport across country in the safest manner, followed by adding gloss and slickness to the paintwork.

Our Process: 

  • Paint and wheels cleaned using rinse-less wash method (for step by step instructions on mobile rinse-less wash techniques check out our article on Car Wash Maintenance)
  • Sealant applied to paint, wheel and gloss black trim
  • Tires cleaned and dressed
  • Exterior and interior glass cleaned
  • Light interior vacuum
  • Interior plastics cleaned

One Republic Type R Project

We started this detail by filling a 5 gallon bucket with water and adding 3 caps of Optimum No Rinse (ONR). We then placed about eight DI all-purpose towels in the bucket. We let the towels soak in the bucket on the drive over to the venue. These lubricated towel would act as our wash media during the wash phase.

One Republic Type R Project

Our first step was to spray a diluted bottle of ONR directly onto the paint. We then followed up by wiping the paintwork with multiple ONR pre soaked microfiber towels, flipping to a clean side often. This process allowed us to the remove the dirt safely without any access to water. Once every side of a towel had been soiled we grabbed a fresh one from the bucket. This method coincides with the thought process of never reintroducing dirt removed from the vehicle back onto a different part of the car.

One Republic Type R Project

One Republic Type R Project

The wheels received a similar rinse-less wash process but with wheel specific towels and foam swabs to clean the intricate parts of the calipers.

One Republic Type R Project

Once the paint was clean and dried with CarPro BOA drying towels, it received two generous layers of Modesta M2 Blast. A quick detailer designed to add gloss and maximum slickness.

One Republic Type R Project

The tires were cleaned using Stoners Tarminator to remove any browning and prepare the rubber for the dressing. We chose Gyeon Q2 Tire for a rich dark satin look.

One Republic Type R Project

The interior plastics were cleaned with Nextzett Cockpit Premium and interior specific towels.

One Republic Type R Project

One Republic Type R Project

This detail may have been for a show car but it’s a great example of what can be done with limited access to traditional wash tools.

One Republic Type R Project

One Republic Type R Project

One Republic Type R Project

One Republic Type R Project

James Melfi
Holliston, MA
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4 comments on Projects | Honda Type R | Mobile Concert Detail

  1. Ray Scott says:

    Great job. I use ONR all the time when I cant wash my car unless it is really dirty. Not a fan of this model but your work is fantastic.

  2. Sean says:

    Excellent article! Not familiar with Modesta M2 Blast, wondering why you chose it over Optimum Detailer & Gloss Enhancer or Sonax Brilliant Shine Detailer?

    • james melfi says:

      Hey Sean,

      Modesta M2 Blast is a coating maintenance product specific to Modesta glass coating. In place of that particular product you could use a variety of quick detailers / spray sealants like Sonax Brillian Shine, CarPro Reload, Optimum Instant Shine. All great products that add gloss and slickness to the paint after a wash process.

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