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Highlighting Your Investment



Pictures tell stories, eliciting emotional responses within the details. Because these pictures are considered an art form, you are responsible for capturing the beauty!

Something that car enthusiasts and car detailers have in common is a passion for the beauty that can be captured in a picture of a glorious car – a glittering Porsche or a gleaming Ferrari. But how are great pictures taken? At Adonis we not only elicit our passion for a gorgeous vehicle in our work, but in our photographs. Over time, we have established key principles that are applied with every shot, making every picture memorable. Take a look at each of these principles below:

Key principles:

  • Always be prepared with a high quality microfiber and quick detail spray, the smallest streak or missed spot can ruin a beautiful pictures.
  • Lighting – When photographing cars or highlighting the work done on a vehicle, lighting is key! When outdoors, it is essential to pay close attention to natural light and how it affects colors, dulling or dramatizing hues. Indoors, artificial light can have a similar effect, casting shadows or illuminating certain angles of the car.


  • Setting – Setting can be best defined by the time, place, background; all of the aspects of a picture that emphasize the center object. For example, if I have a red 2010 Ferrari we might look for a darker setting with minimal distractions in the background so that the red POPS and is the first color to hit the eye.
  • Shape – The human eye is drawn to shapes; geometrics. When taking pictures of cars, it is important to pay close attention to the curves, the lines and the edges of the car and how they all might catch the eye. A straight edged Tesla will lose dimension with a head on shot while a side angle view of a Porsche will hide the gentle curves that add to its beauty.
  • Framing – Much like the setting draws you to the center object, framing brings literal focus to a photograph. Environmental framing is a car enthusiasts’ best friend! Think of the subtle box-like shape of a shop or even your garage – you have a natural frame, encapsulating every detail.


  • Patience – Even at Adonis, our detailed photography skills did not come easy. After encountering many types of vehicles, with great patience, we have learned what great photography really entails! Be patient with your camera, your vehicle and yourself!

The best part about the art of photography is that you don’t need to be a professional to take phenomenal pictures. The next time you take pictures of your car, try the simple key principles above to really highlight your investment!

Tim Coats
Tim Coats
Adonis Detail
Southern California

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