Heart to Heart with Business Owners
by Rodney Tatum‘You won’t believe this!’ ‘Guess what!’ ‘Look at these hacks!’ ‘You’re ruining the industry!’ These rants have become ever so popular on business Facebook pages paired with pictures of the (alleged) other detailer’s supposed cheaper and/or subpar detailing. Although some of these cases (particularly lately Paint Protection Film applications) are awful, I do question the context of some of these passive shaming posts. I will give a very common example. Potentially a Stage 1 Correction and ceramic coating application or even light polish service for a daily driven (or recently scratched by owner), that still has swirls. On a neglected surface whether going with the cheap person or paying for A LESSER SERVICE, they likely got what they paid for! For the person that wants to passively make this the sole cause of their struggle in sales, there are better ways to spend your free time.
In addition, for those that also are quick to support and encourage consumers on social media who passive aggressively ask permission to be offended by an alleged poor quality service without context, I have a revelation for you. Some of those people are spot on, some of those cases are genuine misunderstandings, and others involve manipulation. There are examples of people who KNOWINGLY target the cheaper service option while demanding the work of a more expensive service option. It is not limited to this industry. It has happened to me. So, take a break from being frustrated for a second and think the person who laughed at your price could have done you a huge favor. Also supporting a consumer’s rant blindly without context, also means YOU (not the cheaper option) could be the one encouraging the race to the bottom I hear so much about.
A perspective that I believe about professional detailing that many people of influence will not share with you. A major reason why there is such a push for extensive paint correction is for companies more profitable than you (coating companies) to look good from your work when you post your details, tagging them on Instagram etc. I have certain personal requirements too in terms of paint correction based on the service I will put my name on too. But I also won’t complain you are not like me, nor will I equate that to my inability to sell a service.
What I will do is post on my social media or ad copy what I represent. There is so much CONTENT in your COMPLAINT you can use to advertise your services. You say you are not good at sales, advertising, or marketing? Look at what you complain about to people who will never buy your services. I have taken the time to look on the social media of these same individuals, to NOT find any post about the consequence of a cheap service or the value of an expensive one. Yes, post something that makes people a little uncomfortable (professionally). If I told you victim mentality was a sentence, it is a rant without responding with ability.
Everyone is dealing with to various extents the same problems that you are dealing with. Even the cheap hacks that in their own way are providing value and are also human beings making a living. Not taking responsibility is saying some version of, ‘if only people could be like me, I would be more successful.’ Some random person is not indebted to you. This is coming from someone who truly feels and has experienced the same exact frustration as you.
Here is an example of how you can turn your frustration into an opportunity. Unfortunately, this customer has holograms (pictures) and scratches from a previous bad experience. What should have been a more simpler detail, turned into a challenge that we may not completely be able to fix. This is our professional process that gives our clients peace of mind. We will not be the cheapest by far. ABC to XYZ detailing steps. The labor to safely fix a previous detail can be exponentially more unfortunately. We are licensed and insured, in a industry with minimal regulations. We are very meticulous because we treat every car like our own. We care about the quality of work that represents our shop and we care about the long term partnerships that we have with our clients. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to renew your trust in detailers.’ If being the hero of your own story was a social media post.
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