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Gyeon Pure Evo Review


pure box

Gyeon has always made some of the best coatings on the market, and Pure Evo is a great addition to that. While it may sound like Pure Evil, I promise you it’s nothing but good.

pure bottle


Very easy, it is pretty viscous so it goes on thick. The flash time is a pretty long window, with the ability to wait up to 10 mins (in optimal conditions of course). This means you can do a few panels at the same time before coming back to wipe it off. This saves a ton of back and forth or changing what’s in your hands, which ultimately saves time. And you know what they say, space and time are the frameworks within which the mind is constrained to construct its experience of reality. Or is it time is money? I always get those mixed up.


Wiping it off is also effortless. You may need to follow up a few wipes and it tends to leave some trailers, but very little pressure and to knock on that would really be grabbing at straws.



Great depth, really adds that pop to metallic and dark cars. Noticeably different from just clean polished paint. It does make the paint feel very smooth and natural. Often the thicker coatings you can almost “feel” the coating there.


Water Repellency:

Very good, it has a high SiO2 content so it has high water repellency, great water spot resistance, and should last for a long time, rather than degrading in the first year like some coatings have a tendency to do.

water beads

They also include a nice, easy to understand, care manual in each box that you could give to your client.


Overall Gyeon Pure Evo is a great product that is a breeze to work with and produces great results every time.

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
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4 comments on Gyeon Pure Evo Review

  1. how long does something like this last? we have been using some other coatings, and notice the beading is pretty good up to the first year. Wonder if anyone has had a chance to detail a coated car like this on year two or three.

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Durability has a lot variables, but with proper application, care, and a mild environment, you can expect up to 36 months of protection.

  2. E says:

    Does it feel slick or grabby?

    • Reece @ DI says:

      In our use the Evo felt very slick when removing. However, please note that is you let any coating cure to long before removing the excess, it can start to feel grabby. It is important to always test your cure times as they can change on the humidify and weather at that specific day.

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