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Gtechniq Marine Ceramic Coatings


Gtechniq Marine’s easiest to use ceramic coating is our Rinse-On Ceramic. This product attaches to your garden hose and is, literally, rinsed on the boat. After first washing the boat, Rinse-On Ceramic is sprayed on all the surfaces, subsequently rinsed off, and then dried. That simple procedure will provide up to 3 months of excellent UV protection, color retention, and cleaning so easy you will wonder why you didn’t do this sooner. This product is similar to the EC Easy Coat, but formulated for Marine situations.

Gtechniq Marine Ceramic Coatings

Next in line in terms of ceramic protection is Gtechniq Marine’s Ceramic Fast Coat. This is a very simple, extremely easy to apply product that has been proven to provide up to 6 months of protection and cleaning ease on surfaces to which it is applied. After thoroughly cleaning your vessel to ensure any previous wax coatings or residue are removed from the surface, Ceramic Fast Coat is applied simply by wiping on and then wiping off. Spray Fast Coat on a MF1 microfiber towel, apply it to the surface, and follow up with another MF1 microfiber to wipe it off.

At the top of Gtechniq Marine’s ceramic lineup resides Ceramic Base and Ceramic Top. This duo is engineered and formulated to provide multiple years of protection when applied as a layered system. Ceramic Base is the backbone of the system and becomes the functional surface of the boat after it chemically bonds to the surface area. Significant UV protection is provided in conjunction with great color retention.

With the application of Ceramic Top, you will see the excellent shine one expects from ceramic coatings along with the inherent water beading that provides easy cleaning properties. (Note: to get the full benefits of these true ceramic coating products, the surface preparation provided by our Multi-Stage Polish and performed by a trained professional is highly recommended.)

By utilizing the complementary range of Gtechniq Marine products, you will enjoy longer lasting color retention, proven UV protection to prevent surface fading, and a much, much easier boat cleaning process. Let Gtechniq Marine help protect your leisure time investment.

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