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Gtechniq EC Easy Coat – SEMA 2019



We just got word from Gtechniq about a new product that released here at SEMA 2019! This product is the EC Easy Coat, which is a hose on the ceramic coating. It is extremely versatile and easy to apply, making it a great product for detailers looking to save valuable detailing time, or ones simply looking for an easier way to apply coating like protection. Below is some more information directly from Gtechniq about EC Easy Coat. We have the Easy Coat 500ml and Easy Coat Refill 500ml available now.

When applied to any painted or glass surface, Easy Coat provides unrivaled durability and protection from UV rays, wash chemicals and weathering. Easy Coat has incredibly strong dirt resistance properties and effectively repels any dirt or dust from the surface. The product is extremely versatile and can be applied to cool or hot surfaces. Easy Coat is non-hazardous, solvent-free, aquatic safe and provides in excess of 3 months of durability.

Rob Earle, Managing Director of Gtechniq said, “This product has had one of the longest development periods in our company’s history. The formulation and chemistry is groundbreaking and we are excited to be able to bring such a truly unique and innovative product to the market. Real-world testing has shown durability to be as much as 3 months!”

Video Transcription:


Hey guys, James here with detailed image were at SEMA 2019 at the Gtechnic booth. And we’re talking to the gtechnic main man. Rob Earle. What’s going on? Um, well we have a good time at SEMA. I mean, you know, first year in the North pole is been phenomenal. Yeah. Feedback is, you know, we’re just getting such, such a good buzz and you guys have done a big, we’ve got a big yep, we’ve got a big yeah. All right. So, uh, I see we got some new product launches. Yeah. Talk to me a little bit about the first one. Easy coat. It seems like that’s the one for the buzz, that is the one for the buzz. All right. So then we developed this, this was developed specifically as a Marine product. Okay. So we, when we were developing this my idea with this was to have something.


So most people know when they take the boat out, they come back the hose it off get the salt off it. We could opportunity to also coat the boat so you can add some more production too. That makes sense. So the criteria for that, we had to obviously make it aquatic safe. It is. And then the other criteria, even though we do recommend people dry their boats a lot of the time when the hose drives, yeah, the pumb is beckoning for an ice cold beer. They’re not gonna, they’re not gonna spend an hour during the boat. Sure. Uh, so the other criteria, it must, it must not leave any reside at all. There must be no hazing. It must be that you can hose it on, hose it off, and it looks exactly the same as if in terms of haziness, there must be nothing there. Sure.


Sounds simple. Very hard to do. So this has taken us, I think the best part of the year to get this right. I mean, we’ve really been pushing, we’ve had to, we’ve had to kind of synthesize new war room materials to get this to work in that testing period. Was it mainly just testing it in the, in the Marine market? Uh, it was, uh, it was merely to test to see if it was leaving hazing to make something like this. You can make it, it’s quite easy to make it, to do all of that, but it would be harmful to aquatic life or to make it aquatic safe. That leave hazing. It was just to get you get both things in one, get that balance. I have a kind of a soluble products and have somebody that has decent durability. It was, it was asking a lot.


We’ve done it. Um, so, so yeah, it is literally a matter of you put that onto your hose line, it will come with an adapter there. That’s kind of hose lock. Okay. Uh, which is I think like one of my favorite parts is just this adapter, this piece right here. Um, so obviously the chemicals coming out here, so yeah, so the water will come through. So he turned the water on like that. So the water is going through, so you’re rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, and then that one, you know, introduce the coaching and that comes out on a 20 to one dilution. I, you coat, you turn it off, you rinse, it’s done. And so I don’t get that. You don’t have to hook something else back up. It’s all under that one nozzle right there. I think just, you know, there’s no kind of squeezing and trigger sprayers and things like that.


Yeah. But then also the other nice thing, you know, particularly in Northern climates where you’ve got a load of road salts and so forth, you want to try and get into the suspension components, motorbikes. Fantastic for all the kind of intricate parts. Yep. Because it’s not leaving a residue. You’ve coded it, you’re done. Okay. Um, and durability wise, we’re looking at about three months. I mean that’s, that’s pretty conservative. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. So obviously it’s not, so it can be, it’s, it’s for boats, it’s for motorcycles, it’s for cars. It’s, it’s going be one of those things where I think we’re gonna have a bit of fun on the kind of social media. What cant you coat with easy code that. We’ve coated, Like, yeah, we’ve coated it outside the factory. We’ve got kind of panels that we’ve turned on. Yeah. People go, Oh, we’ve just coated the fence.


The wood fence is still beating water six months later, you know, stuff like that. So. Very cool. Very cool. I’m excited to test it out. That’s very, very cool. Um, price wise, again, we, that was also another criteria. It had to be affordable because you’re going to be using quite a lot of product, so it’s got to be, the price point’s gotta be respectable. Sure, sure. So we are looking prices have not been finalized, but with this, with the, this adapter, this is going to come in the box. That’ll be around about $23. Okay. The refill, I think it’s going to be around 15, $16. Okay. So you can get this once, get this adaptor right. And then just buy the refills. Yeah. Very cool. Um, and you’re going to get usage, you’re probably of a medium sized car. You’ve got to get, you use a third of a bottle per car, something like that.


Awesome. And then we have a new bugger mover as well. This is extremely sudden enough, try to get excited about a bug removal. It is quite, you know, I mean the, the thing about bug remover, traditional bug removers as you know, very, very caustic. They’re very aggressive to, waxes, sealants, coatings and the rest of it. So we, you know, we had the original W8 the current W8 it is compatible with coatings Exov2 two was probably was a lot less chemical resistance. EX0v2 for now is extremely chemical resistance, but V2 was not. Uh, so we had to have it above remover that wasn’t, that was kind of completely non aggressive to, to the coating. Okay. It was okay on coded cars, but on, on protocols, the caustic ones were better. Now our head detailer back in the UK, out of Eaton, who’s edited, she tenant works, we were just messing around with some different formulas and we just came up with this.


And it is, it is more mixing stuff together. It was literally one of those things like, Oh, why don’t we try that? And yeah, exactly. And so this is kind of a Homebrew really very cool, but it is, it’s working stronger than caustic, uh, bug removers. So things like on, particularly on kind of a clear bras on PPF is fantastic. So compared to a really, really aggressive pug remover, this is working better and it’s completely safe for coatings. Okay. And substrate. So obviously it’s designed for bugs and that kind of grime, Do you ever see it when it, are there types of contamination? Do you ever see it pulling off? Like I’m thinking like, you know for right, you don’t want to like rub into the PPF. You want to go try to chemically, yeah. This might be something where you could at least put it to the test. Yes, though it will. It will. Yeah, it is. It is very powerful. So that very cool. Awesome. Well thank you so much, Rob. Thank you so much for coming by, absolutely. Talk to you guys soon.

November 6th, 2019 | SEMA

2 comments on Gtechniq EC Easy Coat – SEMA 2019

  1. Woody Packard says:

    This sounds good. I wonder where it fits with C2v3

    • Adam Thurman says:

      This is more similar to Gyeon Wet Coat or Sonax Spray and Seal. C2v3 still has more longevity but this is a great option for protection.

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