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Grit Guard Washboard – SEMA 2015




The Grit Guard Insert has always been very popular and a huge asset when properly washing and drying your car. It allows you to clean your wash media from any dirt and grime, greatly reducing the risk of adding any scratches or imperfections in the paint during the wash processes. Today at SEMA we visited the Grit Guard booth and were introduced to the Grit Guard Washboard. This brand new item from Grit Guard looks like a nice addition to the Grit Guard Insert. According to Grit Guard:

The Grit Guard Washboard provides an enhanced extraction surface that releases grit and contaminating from your cleaning tools. Taller than the Grit Guard Insert, the Washboard helps prevent agitation of dirt and grit in the bottom of the bucket. Attaches directly to the Grit Guard Insert. Great for brushes!

What do you think of this new item? We are excited to give it a try!

4 comments on Grit Guard Washboard – SEMA 2015

  1. Kyle Allen says:


    Makes too much sense

  2. Ben Dutil says:

    When can I get my hands on these? I’ll take 6 please!

  3. Brae says:

    How does the saying go? Shut up & take my money!

  4. Chas Keithan says:

    Looks like an improved version of the “Dirt Dropper” that came out years ago. I don’t think you can find them anymore, so I’m curious to know if they just bought their rights and improved upon it to make it a little more sturdy and so you didn’t have to screw it down to keep it from floating.

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