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Griot’s Garage G8 Mini Polisher & More – SEMA 2019


griots garage g8

Griot’s Garage just announced a new polisher at SEMA, the G8 Mini Random Orbital Polisher! This small, compact unit features a powerful 700-watt motor and 8mm orbit. This makes it 45% stronger than the previous 3″ machine and greatly decreases bogging down. It looks like it will be great for tight areas and a nice pairing to the new Griot’s Garage G9 Random Orbital Polisher. Below are some other specs from the G8 and you can pre-order it now by clicking here!

  • 700-watt, 6-amp motor
  • 2000 – 6400 orbits per minute
  • 8mm orbit throw
  • Fan-cooled counter-balance
  • 3″ and 2″ vented backing plates
  • 10-foot quick-connect 18 AWG SJO rubber power cord
  • Quick access brush side ports
  • Fan cooled counterbalance

Ceramic 3-In-1 Wax

With a proprietary blend of Si02 silicone dioxide, synthetic polymers, and carnauba wax, this product offers a super hydrophobic intense water beading and extreme protection on your vehicle. Take a look at the sheet below for more info and we have it ready for pre-order right now. Click here if you are interested!


Brilliant Finish Foam-On Wax

This product helps enhance gloss, water beading, and protection. It can be used by hand, but really shines with a foam lance or cannon. It will protect all exterior surfaces with ease. Take a look at the sheet below for more info and once we have it up on the site for pre-order we will let you know!


Video Transcription:


Hey guys, James here with Detailed Image we are at SEMA 2019 at the griots garage boost. We’re talking with Sam about all their new creations. Lot of new stuff to talk about. New polishers. We get some some ceramic wax. We got all kinds of crazy new stuff. Sam take it away. What’s, what’s, what’s the latest, what do we start with? Lots are really new and exciting stuff that we’re showing you guys at SEMA this week. First and foremost, the one that I’m extremely excited about is our new three inch random orbital, the G8. As soon as we launched the G9 we immediately started getting questions about when are you going to redo the three inch? So we had it in the pipeline already and we’re bringing it to you guys this week from SEMA. We are taking orders for these on our website as of this week.


We will have inventory towards the end of the month, so you will have to wait to get yours in the mail. But they will be shipping by the end of November. If you want it before Christmas. We are recommending that you do it now. Get your preorders in now. Exactly. so complete ground-up redesign, just like the G9 was one of the biggest complaints that we used to get about our, our previous three-inch random orbital was a lack of power. Sure. guys, we’re putting pressure under that thing and the backing plate would stall, they’d get into an uneven contour. It would tend to bog down on them. So major power increase with this tools. Probably the one of the biggest features of this feature is 700 Watts over the 240 of our previous tools. So 700, 340. Yeah, almost a 200% increase. You’re going to have plenty of power for those situations where you need it here on tours.


That kind of stuff. Absolutely has six amps. So tons of grunt with this tool. One of my other favorite features is the variable speed rocker trigger here. So this was a big challenge in development but, but we wanted to keep pushing to make it happen because it’s an extremely versatile and useful feature when you’re running this tool. So G9 is a, is an on off trigger on the GA we wanted to incorporate a variable speed trigger so you’ll set your max speed on your dial and then you can feather up and down with your variable speed trigger there cost. Another cool feature is the rocker functions. You can use the back half of the trigger with your forefingers when you’re on the pistol grip, when you’re on the center grip, you’re able to reach the front half of the trigger with your pinky and operate it that way as well.


So lots of versatility. It seems like a lot of cool like ergonomic stuff with this. Very much so. Trigger like you touched on obviously these, this is kind of a cool like you can, it seems like easily gripped that that front part. Yeah, same kind of grip location as the G9. We wanted that, that front grip to be real secure. No. Platypus head on this. Since it is a compact tool, you don’t want that to interfere with getting into those tight spots. Yep. Same double shot, rubber on all the touch points. So you know, when you’re working hard, your hands may be getting sweaty, you’re not going to be slipping off. The tool at all really helps dampin in any vibration as well. Sure. But you’re not going to be too concerned about vibration with this tool is extremely smooth and also very quiet.


I thought I was messing with it earlier and it is, I thought stupid quiet. I couldn’t, we got our, we got our prototypes just before the show. I plugged this in and turned it on and I, I was blown away. I mean, it’s a very smooth, quiet running tool. Lots of gearing improvements. It does feature these same fan cooled counterbalance as the G9. Okay. It’s going to help with cooling not only the machine but your backing plate, your pad as well as the paint surface. We saw up to 20% temperature reductions in the backing plate and the pad and then up to 15% on the paint surface. So it’s actually gonna help the machine run cooler and keep the paint cooler when your work. So your, your backing plates are getting blown out. So your pads aren’t D landing, you know, there’s actually some cooling cooling going on there.


It’s aren’t cheap. So any way to, you know, help those last longer. That’s always a plus. This this nice feature, which I love fall it all, even though we added the rest pads to the tools. So, yeah. Yeah. I mean that, that, that one took us a while. I know, like with these, right. You know, it just felt like, yeah, we didn’t have the handle on there. I’d fall over on you potentially get your pad dirty and so on. So both the G8 and the G9 feature, the rest pads, which makes it nice and easy to, you know, set down on a flat surface on your detailed cart or a not worried about getting the pad dirty, all that stuff, yet cross contaminated. Same ambidexterity speed control here, which is a awesome function because you can hit it with your forefinger or your thumb, which makes it really convenient whether you’re left or right handed as well.


Trigger lock, just like the G9 for when you’re doing doing the majority of your work there and you don’t want to get finger cramps and then you have the same quick access brush ports if and when your brushes do wear out really quick, no downtime, pop the port out, throw your brush in and you’re done. So it seems like a lot of touches from the G9, which is we just tested out that polisher. We did an unboxing video, we did a little initial test on a, on a jet black raptor. I’m going to put the that video up in the corner guys. Solid, great video by the way, I watched it. Thanks brother. But just, I was blown away by just like the amount of value and just I think small touches that really just created a really nice well balanced machine. I think someone that you know is new to, to detail, new to, you know, paint correction could totally pick up that tool rock with it.


I think some of this experience can still appreciate it and be like, you know what, this is an awesome tool. Yeah. And there’s enough durability and performance features built in that professionals are going to love it but it’s still safe and user friendly enough that you know somebody without any experience can grab it up and run with it. I did forget to mention it does feature the same quick disconnect cord as well. So this is, this has become one of my favorite things about new tools. I think so too. If you have the G8 and the G9 you only have to run one core, do your outlet, have that cord at your cart and then instead of unplugging your tools from the wall, you just simply unplug it from the back of the too, switching in and out. Sick makes for a much cleaner, more organized work environment.


You don’t have a tangle with nester cords everywhere. I work in a, in a giant tangled mess cause there’s cords, detailed shops are tripping over cords all day long. This is cool to implement that same a 10 foot cord included. And then we also have the 25 foot option for those of you that want to eliminate the need for an extension cord. So makes it easy even getting around large vehicles, the 25 foot is enough room for for most so yeah, silicone SJO rubber cord. So very flexible and temperature resistant. Abrasion resistant as well. Awesome. Awesome. So that’s cool. With the eight I see some products as well that just got released. The, the one that’s catching my eye right out of the gate is the ceramic three in one wax. Tell me a little bit about that. As, so we’ve been getting asked, you know, what are you going to do with ceramic?


Just about every single day, multiple times a day for probably the last two years or so. So we finally got into it. We really wanted to develop a product fully in house and a ceramic product that everyone could use as our, as our first. So absolutely. That’s why we chose the spray. The ceramic three and one wax is going to feature SIO2 to Silicon dioxide as well as a polymer protection package and some carnauba in there. So a nice blend. That’s where you get three in one yet you’re going to get the best of all those worlds. Basically you’ll get the depth and warmth and color the carnuba contributes to as well as the, the gloss and protection and durability and hydrophobic reaction that you’re knowing SIO2 and polymers for. So it’s a really great product. We really wanted to focus on user friendliness with this formula.


Some of the ceramic products out there can be a little bit finicky. So that was one of our number one goals and I think we really did nail it. It’s a very easy product to use. It’s a lot like applying a rich spray wax, so you’re going to want to work, you know, smaller sections, watch out for over-spray, things like that. Less is more with this, less is more in most situations. Yes. The only situation where you’ll want to use it a little more liberally is if you’re working on a more neglected surface that may not, may not have been prepped or, or so they lack protection applied in a long time. Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay. It can be used as a standalone or a booster over an existing ceramic. As a standalone, you’re going to see six months plus of durability out of it, specifically when it’s applied to a decontaminated surface.


So if you prep it properly, you go through the wash process, you know, D iron detar, clay IPA wipe down, strip everything off, throw this down. We’re looking at about six months. Absolutely. Six months is going to be quite conservative. If you go through all those steps, you stop, get a little bit more than that. I mean, you know, obviously ceramic three in one wax, but it’s, you know, it’s really got, you know, you’re, you’re at that kind of sealant level of durability. That’s really kind of where we’re going to be able to replace a traditional ceiling or wax with this product or use it as a booster on top of something. You don’t have to apply it to a completely bare surface. You can put it over an existing wax or sealant. Okay. but to get that full durability out of it, it’s best to apply it to a prepared surface.


Safe for all exterior surfaces. It’s great on plastic and rubber, you know, those are surfaces that don’t normally get protected, so it adds value there. Glass Chrome, an area that typically if you’re using like a traditional carnauba wax obviously is not receptive to that type of product. Wax residue and rubber is no one, we all hate that kinds of heads up like that. You could go crazy. You can’t glass trim wheels. I think that’s one of the best things about ceramic type products is the compatibility across all different surfaces. Absolutely. Again, you know, I kind of go back to this. If someone is relatively new and they’re just like, okay, I want a product, I want to protect my car, you could grab that and you could go crazy. I mean you could engine plastics, engine metal, rubber wheels, very easy and anybody can do it.


It’s, you know, it’s not a difficult to use traditional coating where you’re going to have to work really quickly and worry about highs and lows and things like that. It’s very, very user friendly. The only situation that we don’t recommend applying it to a to glass is if you already have a glass coating on your windshield, which repellency there. Yeah. And a lot of times when you start layering products on glass, you’ll lose some of that optical clarity and can get glare and things like that. So we don’t want to make anything unsafe for anybody when they’re driving down the road. Absolutely. And then I saw surface prep, cleanser. What’s, this product isn’t quite fully cooked yet. We are still in development with this formula but we wanted to debut it here at SEMA. It will be ready for sale right around the first of the year.


So first the 20, 20 and in January. But this is a, a panel wipe product. So those of you that are familiar with using panel wipes prior to a ceramic coating or a wax or a sealant. So this is a product you can use before applying any type of protection to remove your polishing oil, silicone residues, things like that. Awesome. It’s a very quick flashing formula, uses a natural delaminating solvent. So as a nice citrus scent and it flashes off the panel very quickly so you can move from one panel to the next without spending a lot of time. We have to wait patiently for this. Yeah, a little bit, a little bit of patients , a little bit patients. But it also has some slickness too, which is nice. You’re going to have less likelihood to potentially put towel marks or marring into the panel, like some may experience with alcohol and things like that.


We’ll save for a little more effective and great preparation for any sort of protection. It’s awesome. And the last thing we wanted to touch on was the the foaming metal detailer. So this is a, this is a really cool product. We used to sell a metal cleaner that, that was a big customer favorite in griots garage. And a lot of the internal folks love that as well. Yup. I still have a can a can at home that I’ve had squirreled away, but this is our replacement for that old formula. This product’s been out for a little bit, a little while, but it is still new this year. The foaming metal detailer, really any bare metal. So it’s going to be your, your, or for bare metal applies a nice protective layer that’s going to help reduce fingerprints and dust build up and things like that.


Yep. And you can use it equally as much inside the house and around the garage as you can on your car. So, you know, a lot of modern vehicles aren’t going to have a ton of bare metal. So this is going to be more for, you know, some of the older classics, hot rod guys you know, Chrome wheels, fridge cleaner, exceptional on appliances. Yup. Grills, things like that, keeps the fingerprints at Bay and, and really cleans them up, keep them, keeps them looking sharp. It is not intended to be a heavy degreaser or cleaner. Okay. So if you have, if you have grease or grime there, treat it with a, you know, a decreaser or like our multi-surface citrus cleaner first and then follow it with this. But this will remove, you know, light dust light soiling fingerprints, even some water spots and things like that. I’ve noticed it’ll, it’ll remove. So it’s kind of like, it’s like, it’s the quick detailer specific to metal. Right. So we have our put detailers for paints. This is like a quick detailer designed specifically for metal. Exactly. It’s safe on a stainless steel, Chrome polished aluminum barrel, aluminum, magnesium, all of the above. Awesome formula. Well, thank you so much, Sam. I have all kinds of cool stuff coming out from griots garage. Stay tuned for more guys. Thanks. Yeah, we’re not done.

November 5th, 2019 | SEMA

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