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FLEX PXE 80 12-EC – SEMA 2019


At SEMA this year, FLEX released an awesome new tool, the FLEX PXE 80 12-EC. This is a small, compact, cordless, rotary/dual action polisher. The compact size makes it great for removing imperfections in tight areas and you have three different stroke/movement options available. If you plan to use it as a dual-action unit, you can choose between a 3mm or 12mm throw, while there is also a rotary motion option. Changing between the three is extremely easy and can be done in sections. Get caught in a tight area where the 12mm throw is too large? No problem at all, simply swap to out to the rotary or 3mm throw on the fly! There are two backing plate options (1″ and 3″), along with two rechargeable batteries, a battery charger and a high-quality carrying bag.

Below is a quick commercial video and information sheet provided to us from FLEX. Take a look at them below for a little more information on this exciting unit!

Looking to pre-order the FLEX PXE 80 12-EC? Click here to find it directly on DetailedImage.com!


November 5th, 2019 | SEMA

2 comments on FLEX PXE 80 12-EC – SEMA 2019

  1. john baker says:

    wonder if there are plans to come out with a 2 inch backing plate

  2. Austin Moyer says:

    I wonder why they didn’t make a 2 inch backing plate while they were at it. some people like using 1 and 3 inch pads but some people like using only 2 inch pads like me.

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