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17 comments on A Few Pad and Polish Combinations I Use Regularly

  1. Kevin Kellie says:

    Great read Ivan, one of my favorite go to combos is menzerna power finish with a 3m 5inch orange pad. Perfect for quick great looking finish. Also like opt poli seal with the mequiars micro fiber finish disc. That works well for my entry level detail for customers that rather not pay for a full correction.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Thanks for the good words Kevin!

      I too like to use Menzerna Power Finish occasionally, as well as Opt Poli Seal. I’ll have to try that MF/Poli Seal combo as a quick AIO. Sounds like it would work well on some harder paints and leave no marring but do a bit of correction, all while leaving a glossy and protected finish. Thanks for reading and for the tip!

  2. Sean Woodward says:

    Ivan, thank you for sharing this. Different paints, different climates, a pattern to paint restoration that can be shared by all. It’s great to get feedback like this on systems that have proven themselves.

  3. kostas skourtis says:

    Thanks for sharing Ivan! I have to give the hydrotechs a try at some point.

    What about speeds and pressure on these combos?

    Thank you in advance for the feedback.


  4. Hamza n says:

    Great article Ivan, I’ve heard pf2500 and a polishing pad work great for a one stepper. I wanted to ask is there any chance I could use a AIO to clean up clay bar marring, I might try klasse aio and a mf pad

  5. David says:

    I like to combine M105 and Ultimate Compound to cut down on Dust also. 105 dust can really put you in a bad mood.

  6. sm says:

    Have you tried new Carpro fixer polish or similar Gtechniq P1? What do you think of them?

  7. Ivan Rajic says:

    – Sean, thanks for the kind words. As much as I like to share my experiences I also like to read others’, so I’m definitely looking forward to more comments like the ones above.

    – Kostas, I’d highly recommend the Hydro Tech pads as they’re a great addition to the other Lake Country pads. As for the pressure, I’d really have to write another article on that :). There are way too many variables and goals within paint correction on which speed and pressure will be dependent. However, I can say that as a general guide, I like to use fairly high pressure when doing corrective polishing with the M105/D300 concoction but ease up on the last few passes (both speed and pressure) in order to leave a finer finish for the next polishing step. On the other hand, I like to use little to no pressure when working with finishing polishes, like M205 or PO85RD, while starting with high speed and finishing with slower speeds. Again, I could go on forever on exactly how I like to use different combos, so I’ll be doing an article on speed and pressure in the very near future. In the meantime, definitely feel free to email me with any questions. Thanks!

    – Hamza, an AIO can definitely clean up clay bar marring, but I would look at stuff like the Sonax NTPC or Optimum Poli Seal before Klasse AIO. From my experience, Klasse AIO doesn’t have as much correcting ability as the others, but it’s a great AIO in terms of cleaning up the paint by chemical action rather than mechanical. In all honesty, I can’t remember ever using Klasse AIO to remove clay bar marring, so it might work just as well as the others, but I doubt it. Also worth mentioning, if the marring is too severe, such as on soft paint or from a very aggressive clay bar, you might need to look at something more aggressive than an AIO to clean it up. Hope that helps!

    – I agree David. M105 dusting is one of my least favorite things about detailing. It has to be done many times, but if I can avoid it I’ll bend over backwards to do so!

    – SM I haven’t tried either of those polishes yet but have heard good things about the P1 from a few colleagues. Wish I could be of more help.

    • Smdetail says:

      Ivan, great write up and I also enjoyed all the feedback. I just recently started using the MF disco and D300 and love it! I also got po85rd which is also great. I also despise the dust with 105 and get it with powerlock as well, very annoying! Thanks again! Look forward to reading more!

  8. Shawn Fremin says:

    Great write up! I will have to give that 307.5 WGCI combo a try one of these days. As for a AIO product I have had great success with Optimum GPS and a grey or crimson pad. If you need a little more correction, I’ve even used LC white pad and GPS but the grey pad and GPS usually does the job. It removes very light cobweb swirls and brightens up the paint as well as leaving behind some protection for those quick detail jobs when people do not want to spend the money to fully remove swirls, scratches, etc.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Thanks Shawn. I’d highly recommend you give that 105/300 combo a try. I’ll have to pick up that GPS soon to see how it compares the the few AIOs I have.

  9. I knew I forgot to order something in my last order…the sonax !!!! next time!

  10. Larry B. says:

    What’s your thoughts on Klasse AIO and Klasse SHG.

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Hi Larry,

      I don’t use either of the products regularly anymore, but I do like them both quite a lot. KAIO works great on breaking down some oxidation or cleaning up metals, etc., as well as providing a great base for the sealant. KSG is a great sealant that looks good and provides durability better than most on the market, but the application process is a bit longer than some of today’s sealants.

      Hope that helps!

  11. Nick says:

    I am using 3M 06064 & 06085 as polish. Yellow wool & black foam pads on a rotary buffer (Milwaukee & Flex). I do not see many on this site that do. Why?

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      Nick I think the simplest answer is that everyone has their favorites in terms of pad, polish, machine, etc. I would think much of it other than simple preference, so if you’re getting good results with the products and tools you’re using, no reason not to stick with them. You can surely always experiment with some new products and see how you like them.

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