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Does Paint Color Dictate What Product you Use for Protection?


There are a lot of products out there that claim to make white paint pop, or black super dark, etc. Do they? If you are here, you probably know they don’t. While they may do those things, there aren’t products that specifically work better on white paint, for example. The product does not know what the color is, it is not going to adjust based on the tint of the paint. On top of that, do you know how many shades of a specific color there can be? Try and paint your walls white and spend 3 hours at Home Depot with the 7 million “whites” and let me know what you think. If there was a product made for white paint, what about off-white, or white with flake in it, etc. Unless the product actually has a tint in it, it doesn’t matter what color it goes on.

Protection products are clear, they enhance the color of the paint itself, so good protection WILL make white paint pop but ALSO make black paint super dark. Leveling the paint to remove the swirls and scratches, and good protection product will make any paint color look its best. Also, ensure you remove all the contaminates. This is something that can look different from white to black as embedded contaminates will really take away from the purity of a white finish, whereas it is not as noticeable in black due to the deep reflections.

Don’t worry about getting the right protection for your color, but the right protection for your application instead.

Want something super easy you apply every 2-3 months and have access to a hose?

Don’t have a hose and want something that lasts 4-6 months?

Have some time on your hands and want something that will last 3-5 years?

If you need any other protection suggestions do not hestiate to leave a comment below!

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
Instagram | YouTube

2 comments on Does Paint Color Dictate What Product you Use for Protection?

  1. rlmccarty2000 says:

    There ARE some ceramic coating products that will darken colors so they may look better on black than white. I found out this the hard way by trying to touch up some high spots with a different manufacturers product. You could see that one product was darker than the other, so I had to remove the product from the whole panel and start over.

    It’s probably not going to matter that much if you use the same product over the whole car(normal) but you may find you prefer one product on silver or white and another on black. Some of the new Graphene products have darkening qualities.

    There are so many ceramic type products on the market these days you really don’t know what is going to look best except by trial and error.

  2. Doug says:

    I do find that C2V3 puts a crystal-like finish on my 2014 CLA 45, but not so much on my darker colour SUV. So for that reason, I do like the C2V3 on white.

    In this case, i am using the C2V3 over Gtechniq Ultra + Exo.

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