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DI Holiday Gift Guide for 2014 (Part 1)



The holidays are around the corner and we here at Detailed Image wanted to take the time to highlight some great gift ideas! Detailing products can be overlooked, but if you have a car enthusiast in your family we have some products that will be sure to make them happy this holiday season. Additionally we encourage you to share your favorite detailing products with the ones you love so they know what to get you for the holidays. Below you will find recommendations from our own AAP authors.

Eric Schuster:

Ivan Rajic:

  • 22ple VS1 Final Coat – It’s extremely easy to use while providing great protection and teaching people a bit about actual paint coatings and how to apply them.
  • CarPro HydrO2 – A great overall product for protection, but great for winter months in northern regions to allow people to easily protect their wheels even during a quick wash when it’s cold out.
  • Sonax Wheel Cleaner Plus – To go in tandem with HydrO2 above, makes cleaning wheels much easier as it’s a strong and safe product, which means you get very clean wheels more efficiently than before and without much or any brushing.

Zach McGovern:

  • CarPro HydrO2 – This revolutionary new spray on, rinse off sealant is the quickest and easiest way to add durable protection and gloss to virtually any exterior surface. Use it on paint, glass, wheels, and metal! Every enthusiast will enjoy using this one.
  • CarPro DLUX – This is the best trim restorer/coating I have used. It is simple & very effective. To make things even better… it works great as a wheel coating too!
  • Wheel Woolies – Every detailing enthusiast should own these. They make cleaning your wheels much easier. The various sizes make them great for all wheels. You can reach the barrels of the wheels, brake calipers, in between spokes, etc.

Brian Guy:

  • Lambs Wool Duster – This has got to be the most popular stocking stuffer! This duster is incredibly safe on paint and comes in handy for every time you detail your car!
  • Chemical Guys Pete’s 53 Paste Wax – This is a fabulous wax that is easy to use and is also very durable at a very cost effective price! It smells great to!
  • reTHICKulous Microfiber Towel – Nothing says car care better than a brand new soft and fluffy towel. A great towel for the guys & gals who truly love seeing their car looking it’s best! It’s almost like that special moment towel!

Greg Nichols:

Chad Raskovich:

  • I feel regular washing is the most important thing in care care and these 3 items are the perfect solution for a quick, safe, rinse-less wash!

For more great gift ideas check out DI Holiday Gift Guide for 2014 (Part 2) and if you have any questions about any of these products, please let us know! Take care everyone and happy holidays!

1 comment on DI Holiday Gift Guide for 2014 (Part 1)

  1. Steve K says:

    Let the sales begin! Some great suggestions guys!

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