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Detailing Health: Quick Tips For Professional Detailers


The act of detailing a car for money can take a toll on the body and mind.  It is very rarely mentioned the ways we keep our bodies in optimal shape to face our everyday burdens.  I would like to share what I do to keep me available and physically well.

Dietary Supplements

Repeatedly putting ourselves in unnatural positions and overall being on our feet, puts tremendous stress on our joints.  I have found immediate benefits to taking fish oil.  Taking a combination of Vitamin C and Zinc, very rarely will I get sick.  Detailing professionally, in addition to running a business, is difficult enough without being affected by the cold or flu virus.

Foam Roller

I find having a foam roller available to be the next best thing to having an available professional masseuse.   5 minutes with a foam roller has saved me numerous times from a day feeling sore and stiff.


Often when there are lower body or back pain problems, worn-out shoes are often a major cause of this problem.  I cannot emphasize enough how important buying (higher quality) shoes more frequently are to your physical well-being.  I would also suggest purchasing custom insoles for two reasons.  I have found the insoles to be of generally higher quality than the in-house insole.  This is my opinion.  I believe adding better quality insoles would extend the life of your shoes, making the investment more cost-effective.

One last suggestion; invest in a gym membership.  Having money debited from your count monthly or biweekly is a great motivator to get out of bed.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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5 comments on Detailing Health: Quick Tips For Professional Detailers

  1. Ron Ayotte says:

    Detailing does take its toll on one’s body… I only detail one vehicle a day (I am a one-man operation, a detail can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day and up, depending on the level) unless I am either doing my own or maintenance details. Before I start detailing, I make sure to stretch to limber up and continue to do so during the detail. with some vehicles (like Ford Mustangs) you have to be a contortionist to get into the back seat to clean the windows. I also use knee pads when kneeling to do interior carpet cleaning and a sleeping bag pad for when I am lying down to polish rocker panels, front and lower car fascias.

  2. Calvin says:

    I’am a part-time fitness trainer as well as Auto Detailer and two exercise programs that will help with they way we twist, bend, stoop and getup off the floor is either Yoga or Pilates. Both will help with strengthening and stretching. Foam rollers are OK but the best technique is working with a certified Muscle Activation Technique or MAT specialist. I use to go to a Chiropractor and have stopped since having this done. It works!

    Last point is make sure you work on Glute Activation exercises. The Glutes power up everything and having strong Glute muscles will save your back from doing all the work.

  3. Mitch lehrman says:

    OK: As a young detailer I ate junk food, smoked, didn’t exercise and worked my ass off. Never a problem. Today? Eating much cleaner, no cigs and exercise usually three times a week or more.

    I had one lousy habit that I payed the price for. I gripped my rotary really tight and when I was slinging it all day I’d wake up the next morning with really stiff hands.

    I still can’t get use to wearing nitraile gloves. I do use a foam mat for floor work as well as a floor jack to get the vehicle in the air. I also have recently purchased a Mychanics rolling bench from Costco Still, no problems.

    Now….had I not changed my diet/exercise/equipment routine I really can’t say how I’d be doing

  4. Collins Russell says:

    At 78 I am starting to feel the aches and pains of up and down constantly. I detail a 34 Ford Coupe weekly for car shows.
    A four hour detail on the outside is common if I am cleaning with a qtip in all the hard
    places. Add an hour for interior another hour for engine compartment I spend more time preparing than the whole car show. Suggestions on proper clothing, shoes, conditioning, vitamins, Jack lifts, pads, all are sound advice.

  5. Rodney Tatum says:

    I lot of great advice hear!

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