Ask a Pro Detailer

Detailing Fitness: Mind and Body

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Using the right products and tools is serious business for both Detailing Professionals and Enthusiasts alike. Without a doubt, choosing the right products is as highly important as knowing how to use them properly. Go into any detailing forum and you’re sure to find that discussions on products and techniques are among the most common. There is however a topic of discussion that is rarely discussed, and it has to do with the most important component of the detailing process, the human element. In this article, I will be addressing the importance of physical and mental fitness in detailing to help you improve your health, quality of work and mental wellness.

Detailing Fitness

In my opinion, the human element is the most important component in detailing. The products and tools we use in detailing are useless without the abled body using them. This not only means for the user to be physically fit but to be mentally fit as well. Let’s look into some of the physical factors in detailing.

Jason Warnock working on a jet wing on #projectjetdetail

Detailing can be very physically demanding, and for those of us who do it on a daily basis, it may not seem as physical as we tend to get used to the physicality involved. This “getting used to it” mentality is usually where many of the problems begin that can cause bodily harm in the long run. I’ve heard from fellow detailers having everything from a bad back, shoulder pain, neck problems, joint issues, and various other conditions as a result of detailing. I remember several years ago, my older brother asked me to help him polish his boat. We weren’t even 30 minutes into the project when my brother stopped and asked me “how can you not feel any pain? My arms are killing me.” It then hit me that I was conditioned over years of using a polisher for an extended period of time. I never really gave it that much thought before.

Justyna Brys of JB CarDetail cleaning a Ferrari F430

Physical Wellness Tips

Detailing can be pretty rough on the body, and I’ve known many detailers that have been stopped in their tracks due to back problems and other physical issues. The odd physical movements, repetitiveness, and exposure to chemicals can certainly cause issues without some precautions. Prevention is always important, so here are some tips to help.

Mental Wellness Tips:

For enthusiasts, detailing can be viewed as therapeutic as a way to get away from the stresses of everyday life. For those of us who make our living detailing, it’s a business. Like most business owners, running a business can be mentally exhausting and, in many ways, become extremely unhealthy. I know plenty of detailers that find it difficult to turn off that work/life switch. As a result, I’ve seen everything from divorce, anxiety attacks, heart attacks, addiction, and even suicide.

Not only can mental health affect the body, your quality of life, but in terms of detailing, it can greatly affect your performance.  Things that cause you stress and anxiety can come in various forms. Stress and anxiety can come from customers, social media, family, friends, work environment, or relationships to name a few. Recently, I was a guest on the Detail Solutions Podcast with Alex Russell, and we discussed mental health in detailing. I shared with Alex my story in regard to detailing and mental health.

Before I started Forza Detailing, I had previously worked at a shop that greatly affected my mental health. So much in fact, that I had lost my love for detailing and needed to see a therapist for almost a year. The work environment had begun to affect all aspects of my life and my health began to decline as well. For the first time in my life, I had experienced an anxiety attack and that moment scared me enough to seek help. I’m not ashamed to share this, as I feel that it is important for other detailers to know that one’s mental health is absolutely crucial to their quality of life and can affect everyone. Thankfully, after professional therapy, exercise, support, and leaving that hostile work environment, I was able to regain my love for detailing and most importantly, improve my quality of life tenfold.

So here are some tips that have helped me and other fellow detailers in regard to mental health.

Closing Thoughts:

Like anything in life, it’s all about balance. Too much of anything is never a good thing and it’s easy to fall into some bad habits and routines. Unfortunately for many of us, we have to hit a low point before making a change in those bad habits or routines. Having that proper work/life balance along with regular exercise, a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle will certainly help improve your mental wellness. Being sound of mind and body can also have a major positive impact on your quality of work and in turn helping create success in your business. Put enthusiasm in your work, give it your best and learn to relax.

Detailing can be a very fulfilling profession. The ability to take something and make it better gives you satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, and pride. Despite the recognition, accomplishments, financial gains, nothing lasts forever. We are human, and in a blink of an eye, our lives can drastically change. Our health can suddenly take a turn for the worse, and there is no celebrity ego trip that can save anyone from something like that from happening. All of the money and success in the world means nothing if you are truly unhappy. I believe it to be a true blessing to be able to do what you love for a living. For me, I am thankful every day to have regained my love for detailing. I hope these tips can help you to keep detailing for many happy and healthy years to come. Stay healthy my friends!

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