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Detail Guardz – SEMA360 Show 2020



This announcement was written by Daniel Schipani of Detail Guardz!

Two years ago we gave you an extremely powerful bucket filter to help prevent basically all swirl-marks and scratches during the wash process, called the “Dirt Lock“. Its massive success worldwide prompted us to build the Dirt Lock pad washer attachment last year that went onto winning the SEMA global media awards. The Dirt Lock pad washer was quickly seen as an engineering marvel and has been adopted as the industry standard to clean polishing pads quickly, safely and affordably. Now this year, we bring to the table our latest Dirt Lock attachment, the “Scrub And Pump“. An extremely powerful and versatile car care tool that allows you to scrub and flush out any wash mitt, brush, clay mitt or other detailing tools, quickly and safely, so you simply do not bring the dirt back onto the car and scratch the surface of the paint. It works on a spring-loaded system that pumps a heavy stream of cleaner water into your wash mitt or tools and sucks the debris safely underneath the filter in just one motion.

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

New Changes

The Dirt Lock pad washer pricing is now only $49.99 instead of $69.99! Due to an increase in our production process, we have streamlined our manufacturing and were able to reduce the price.
The new Dirt Lock bucket filter model can self-adjust the tension to fit inside basically any size 3,4,5,6,7 or 8 gallon round wash pail and also sinks like an anchor!

Lastly, we have become one of the largest face shield manufacturers in Canada, producing well over 1Million+ shields! Our Canadian designed and made “Visiera” face shield (washable and reusable) is perfect for keeping the polish out of your eyes all the way to helping to keep you safe during the pandemic.

Stay safe and thanks for detailing with us and Detailed Image. I’ll Catch you at SEMA360!

November 3rd, 2020 | SEMA

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