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Convertible Top Care by RaggTopp


Is your convertible top no longer tightly beading water, is it looking dingy, and maybe its starting to sun fade?  Here is a yearly process just for you; and you might have to do bi-yearly if you drive year round.

RaggTopp Convertible Top Cleaner

A convertible auto is a prized possession and sought after by many, however many owners do not know the proper way of caring for one of the tops.   There are two different tops; the rag top made out of a impregnated canvas and the vinyl covering.  Each of these need a similar but different approach to caring for them.

The makers of Raggtopp offer the wise consumer the top of the line cleaners and re-protectors on today’s market.  RAGGTOPP Convertible Care products are exclusively tested and endorsed by the Haartz corporation, original equipment manufacturer of convertible topping for virtually every American and European convertible automobile manufactured throughout the world.  If you own a boat they also produce a world class product of choice, bimini topp.

First you need to clean the top.  There is one cleaner for the two types of tops: Raggtopp Convertible Top Cleaner – Fabric and Vinyl Tops.  Follow the directions carefully and it’s idiot proof.  Use a soft, yet stiff brush to massage in the cleaner and allow it to dwell (20-30min), the slight agitation is what works loose the dirt that gets into the top.  Rinse off the cleaner thoroughly and allow the top to COMPLETELY dry, error on the side of more time. Before applying the protectant, cover areas of your car you don’t want overspray on, as this will save time later.  While any overspray can be removed using a quick detailer, save the hassle. I like to apply thin layers of the protectant, more is not better, several thin coats are better than one soaking coat.  More coatings can be applied after 15 minutes between each coat in warmer weather.

Convertible Top Cleaned

Your convertible top is now well protected from the elements; sun, acid rain, bird bombs, grease, oils, and reduces cracking of the top.

This is a job you can easily do since you now know the perfect product to take care of your convertible top.

The vinyl top protectant can also be used on dash boards to help with UV degradation.

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Greg Nichols Reflections Detailing
Greg Nichols
Reflections Detailing
Logan, Utah

7 comments on Convertible Top Care by RaggTopp

  1. paint medic says:

    Informative article Greg. That top looks great. My question is how about tonneau covers on trucks? Would this work well on them or would it be better to use maybe some aerospace protectant by 303 after a wash?

  2. Greg Nichols says:


    What kind of Tonneau cover do you have? I assume the vinyl kind? RaggTop makes a vinyl cleaner and protectant too. You can use AS 303 as its also a great product. The cleaning is KEY to the protectant bonding well.


  3. Ray Scott says:

    I am detailing an 02 Caddy with a padded vinyl top. It looks like it has some mildew spots on it and I was planning to clean it with soap and water with soft brush then clean it again with Raggtop cleaner then apply Raggtop vinly protectant. Comments.

    • Greg Nichols says:


      That should work fine! The mildew can stain and discolor so that might be something you will need to address.

      I really like Raggtop products top shelf for sure!


  4. Ray Scott says:

    I use a mildew cleaner on my vinyl covered outdoor furniture cushions and it removes mildew spots very effectively. Do you think this might help. I could do a small inconspicuous area to test it if the washing and Raggtopp doesnt remove them.

  5. Keith Powers says:

    I believe this article could also pertain to Jeep Wrangler tops. Jeep tops have been made with Haartz material since around 1986. If memory serves me, the material on Jeeps in a kind of canvas/denim. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Nice article!

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