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12 comments on Consumer Confusion On Vehicle Protection

  1. ” … the prep work that went into it and the person applying the coating”

    “What should always happen is choosing the right detailer first! This is going to make or break the coating of choice…”

    Great article! A very good topic to discuss… it seems the amount of coatings on the market are increasing on a daily basis, and each one is “the best one”! You’re absolutely correct that it is proper prep and knowledge that truly makes the most difference. I’m sure many people will find this to be a very helpful write up!

  2. It is absolutely true that a detail or service is only as strong as its weakest link. But I think we can all agree that different coatings have different attributes and as a professional it is our job to search out the best solution to a client’s needs. Some may last long but not add to appearance….some may look better but not last as long…some may fall somewhere in between. By educating our clients to their options our clients will be happier for longer while getting the best value and they will call us back because we were looking out for their beat interest.

    Great article Brian.

  3. Greg Gellas says:

    Great article! It’s about trust in the detailer, not the product!
    Having used pretty much every coating in the industry, I will have a complete article on coatings coming up soon.

    • Bob B says:

      Can hardly wait for that article Greg, I am sure that many others are waiting for your information on coatings, is quite a confusing subject and we really need your expertize. Thanks.


  4. Colton says:

    Hi there, I am experiencing a wear down to the base coat on the leather even though I just bought the car. I am trying my best to clean the leather every couple days with BMW leather cleaner, and using mothers conditioner, so that the dye transfer from wearing jeans doesn’t stick.
    I have wear from a manager wearing a watch on the door panel;
    then I have a little of my own wear I created in a small area while wiping the seat with a microfiber cloth.

    I would like to know what products I should use and how to apply them?

    I am wondering about touching up the leather with dye so it doesn’t show the marks and looks like nothing happened.

    I would like to know how to clean my leather properly and what cloth or brush I should use?

    What should I do about conditioning the leather?

    The leather is also drooping a bit from people sitting on it. How can i make it nice and tight again, looking like new?

    Is 303 a good protectant to use on seats after cleaning and conditioning?

    For reference, I have a 2013 BMW 328xi, with premium Dakota leather, Venito beige colored interior

    I am panicking that this wear is already apparent even though I clean the leather often. I am desperate to fix the small damage by using a Venito beige touch up dye if possible

    Thank you very much for your time

    • Colton says:

      Ok, and here are some pictures.

      The areas effected are circled in red.


      Thank you guys

    • Jean-Claude says:

      If you are having dye transfer from jeans, the most immediate thing that will get results is to stop wearing selvedge / raw denim(this is what a lot of designer jeans are) Because they are not washed after dying, they transfer a lot of dye afterwards to other surfaces, like leather seats. Lay a towel down first if you must wear them.

      The topcoat on leather surfaces is very thin and if something hard/sharp rubs against it, it will cut or scratch through. There is not a good solution to stop scuffs other than to be cautious.

      I would start using a gentle horse hair brush for light cleaning instead of rubbing with a mf towel. Something like this https://www.detailedimage.com/DI-Brushes-M51/Horses-Hair-Upholstery-Brush-P564/#product-reviews Most leather top coats are going to be water based. If you saturate it and then rub, you can remove it. A light brushing with a cleaner like Cockpit Premium or Leatherique Pristine Clean is great for light cleaning. Lightly pat/rub the residue off. This will be a very gentle process for the surface.

      Don’t overdo it. If you clean all the time, you can overdo it and damage the leather. Choose your battles when it comes to cleaning leather surfaces and use methods that are gentle.

  5. my question is on the new car pro hydrophobic spray sealant, how many vehicles can you get out of the small bottle?.. aslo what size spray bottle do you use and 3:1 ratio is what ratio? thanks guys.

  6. Jim Fornadel says:

    Valid points. Prep work and the ability of that detailer to do it properly is KEY, especially when dealing with paint. Poor work is trapped for month and years and possibly permanent. A basic example of poor prep work would be dressing tires without cleaning them first. It just looks bad.

  7. Tony Kiger says:

    Great writeup Brian. The one thing I run across a lot are other detailers or ones that choose to call themselves one that really dont understand the process of the product being installed on a vehicle yet are able to talk themselves into the job, by those customers that just dont understand the process even after a mild explanation. The read the front of the bottle and all its praise and glory and expect just that by smearing it on and walking away. In my area there are many people (claimed detailers), that choose this method and when I come across a customer that had this process we’ll called it, done, they are shocked and in disbelief when I explain a prep process before applying any form of coating or a full decontamination process. Some, well most days people just amaze me. When I ask a customer how their vehicle is driven, garage, regularly washed or not, they are normally surprised since no one has ever asked these simple questions before a detailing.

    • Brian Guy says:

      Yes Sir Tony! Those are very important questions to ask the consumer. Its much to put together a tailored detail to suit, rather than just completing a job…

      Thanks for the reply’s on this guys!!!


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