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Celebrating 1,000+ Articles & $100 Giveaway


Locations of Current Ask-A-Pro Authors

1,000 Ask-A-Pro Posts!

Over the years, the Ask-A-Pro Blog has seen many hard working authors eager to share their detailing knowledge with the entire detailing community. Since 2010, the blog has seen various product reviews, click and brag articles, detailing suggestions and more, which all add up to 1,000 posts since 2010! We wanted to take this time to thank all of the authors we have worked with over the years for all of their hard work. No matter if our readers detail as a hobby, or as a profession, the detailing knowledge our authors were willing to share has certainly helped someone along the way. We hope that as time moves forward and more posts are published, that the Ask-A-Pro Blog is not only an outlet for our authors, but a resource for anyone in the detailing industry!

Let’s not forget about our loyal readers either. Without you, the blog will not be where it is today! With your support and interaction, our authors are always pushed to help answer questions and publish new and exciting articles for you to read. If there is anything you ever need answers about, or a topic you would like to see covered, please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know!

Below you will find some lists we put together highlighting our blog all time and this past year. In celebration, take a look at some of the articles with the most views and most comments, along with some of our favorite posts since 2010!

Articles with the Most Views (All Time):

Articles with the Most Comments (All Time):

Articles with the Most Views (2017):

Articles with the Most Comments (2017):

Some of Our Other Favorites:

$100 Comment Contest!

Leave a comment below for your chance to be entered to win a $100 DI Gift Card! We want to hear about something you have learned from the blog, a post that helped your detailing skills, and/or one of your favorite posts you have ever read on the blog. We will reply to a random comment on 9/15, with information on how to claim your prize!

31 comments on Celebrating 1,000+ Articles & $100 Giveaway

  1. Adam Gonzales says:

    I always like to read articles about washing cars and other detailer’s methods, some techniques I already had but some I now have incorporated a few new techniques in my routine, we all, wheather it’s a maintenance wash or wash to prep for polish work, will always begin with the proper wash, might as well get done right…

  2. Mike (The Guz) says:

    I am always picking up some little tips here and there reading many of the great articles that have been posted. I am a big fan of coatings and the how to write ups on application of various coatings always helps me out as I try different coatings.

  3. J.Fang says:

    I always come here to read article when I’m bored and I love learning about new products and different applications. I come here most for coating maintenance since all my car are coated and most are black.

  4. George Chapin says:

    Learned the 2 bucket wash method from this site years ago… fast forward and I’m enjoying the application/comparison of all the great coatings out there!

  5. Philip shishikin says:

    Wow. This blog has helped me a lot it has so much knowledge and useful information that I have implemented into my detailing business. Thank you very much to all the people that make this blog possible.

  6. Steve K says:

    Favorite articles that educated me and allowed me to become better…
    1. Application of CQ U.K. By Zack M., for when I did my first coating, along with others. I absorbed the info like a sponge…
    2. How to properly wash and dry by Todd C. I use this article as a guide to help not only me but others. Also, when you explain the process to people, they think your crazy. This article validates and educates.
    3.Maintian your coated car like a pro Tim C. Goes with out saying if you are going to take the time to coat a vehicle, you want to take the time to maintain it.
    4. Product Showdown by Kevin G. Kevin’s article shows the importance of having the right tools for the specific job is key.
    Plus, I’m always picking up something to improve my skills and learn from the pros. I also enjoy learning about new products.
    The “Ask a Pro” section has become must reading for me.

  7. Kevin V says:

    I often refer back to the M105 / M205 articles as well as the Meguiar’s microfiber pad product articles as I use all of them. I will likely try a coating in the future and I know where to look for help. I read most posts as there is often something new to learn even if the subject isn’t something I can apply. I also appreciate the time and effort put forth by the authors- especially with responding to questions. Thanks!

  8. Ian K. says:

    I always look forward to my monthly recap email of the latest Ask A Pro articles! And I really appreciate how you guys make a point of highlighting reviews posted by detailing enthusiasts on sites like Autopia. The combination of articles by pros and non-pros alike is great. Keep it up!

  9. Jason says:

    Although I’m not a professional detailer, I like to stay up to date on best practices and techniques as well as finding out new products (e.g Meguiar’s X-Press Wax). I liked the wheel woolie article which let you make your own choice after presenting the details and didn’t just ram a sales line down your throat.

  10. Joe says:

    It’s awesome seeing information from another person perspective, it’s useful information that helps you adjust in your daily detailing duties that help you better your self. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Carlos vargas says:

    I’m no pro just a guy who likes to keep his car clean. So it’s always nice to read about different techniques. Especially reading the detailing guide to get me started on my own car.

  12. David says:

    I haven’t read all 1,000 articles, but I have browsed through the articles and read a couple. I appreciated the how to wash and dry a car and how to clean a car in the winter articles when I started caring more about taking care of my car in the past year – two. It is nice to see different authors different techniques and approaches to working with the myriad of problems that detailers encouter. I have also appreciated that this site has steadily promoted the continued publication of articles to help those of us who are still newcomers 🙂

  13. Bruno Soares says:

    Always great articles for us to learn and take care of our rides. Keep up the great work.

  14. Sheila Cochran says:

    Little over 3 years ago, when I began learning how to maintain my car vs. paying someone, I read many many articles written here. Some I read multiple times. I was eager to learn “just the basics” and now I’m eager to learn as much as I can. It was here that I first read about paint coatings and thought “what IS that?” Seemed that a lot of what I read raised more questions for me, and caused me to research more and more .. over time I became confident enough to get a DA and being doing something I never EVER dreamed I would…detailing cars! And, I LOVE it! Thanks for all the detailed information, tips and hints, and product reviews!

  15. Jeff Elmy says:

    The blog here is fantastic. You can learn so many great things from the articles written here, it’s hard to pick just one thing. My favorites are always the product reviews. Any product review. Reading about professional opinions on how these products work is the best you can get and it really helps me decide what products I may want to try myself that may make detailing easier for me and possibly improve my results. There is always room for improvement in this constantly changing field.

  16. Looking forward to 1,000 more!

  17. Carmen F. Mauro says:

    The authors the participate in DI Ask A Pro Blog are not bragging. Because it’s true. I would like to thank all of them and Reece for their eagerness to assist those of us who perform detailing just for our own personal pride and satisfaction in having a clean halo and RIDS free auto. I haven’t read 1000+ articles but I have to be close. I have read several articles multiple times.
    Thank you all for permitting us to share in your techniques and valued opinions.
    I would like to see an article on Jewelling with a DA polisher , if it is even possible.

  18. Jarrod says:

    I loved the old articles by Todd Cooperider. I read those ‘how to’ posts and the detailing guide on this website, and it was pretty much all I needed to know. Not that I stopped reading there though! Keep up the good posts.

  19. Wes says:

    I’ve learned so much from this site on how to properly maintain my car. My favorite article is Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze (KSG) Guide and Review by Ivan Rajic. I had a difficult time deciding what products to use to protect and increase shine, and was concerned that I might run into issues with KSG until reading Ivan’s article. I’ve since applied both Klasse All-In-One and 2 coats of KSG and I couldn’t be happier! Thank you for all of the help!

  20. Mike De Luca says:

    Love the ask-a-pro blog. I love that you can ask a question and get an answer back in a timely matter. My favorite posts are the ones that talk about coatings. I loved the post with the Gyeon coatings as I’m looking to purchase the Mohs kit for my truck. Thanks and keep them coming!

  21. Bob says:

    Ask -a-pro blog not only provides me great how-to information but also provides product review info.Whenever I have asked a question I have always received a prompt reply.

  22. Erik Walter says:

    I love the blog! It’s my go to place for great product reviews and most notably helped show me how amazing CarPro Essence is!! Thank you!

  23. John Krause says:

    I have been detailing on the side for years. But the blog has really put final touches on my skills and techniques.
    My favorite blog when Todd Cooperider was showing how to properly polish a car. There are many others also. Simce then I had passed these new skills and this website on to family and friends. Keep up the good work.
    Thanks John

  24. Patrick Hiatt says:

    This is my go-to when I need to learn something new, try different products or just confirm what I am doing is the right or best way. Always very informative and written from an application perspective and not just a bunch of technical stuff.

  25. Mike Grattan says:

    Just read How to Wash & Dry blog post and I actually learned some things! I had originally learned the two bucket method from a detailer friend of mine so I knew the basics and I knew his technique. But I have to say I like the technique from Todd better. I especially appreciate the tip to use detailing spray or spray wax on your drying towels…that one really blew me away!

  26. Mark Shreve says:

    One of my favorite series of posts actually didn’t happen this year, it was the series on the Porsche 918 Sypder.

    However, I do like reading product comparison posts such as the Wheel Woolies comparison to EZ Detail Brushes and other product showdowns.

  27. Tylar Overturf says:

    I really enjoy reading almost every article. I seem to always learn something new from them such as a new technique or how a product works. I really enjoyed the ones about CarPro Essence and what it can do with different pads.

  28. Humberto Perez says:

    1,000 articles wow, but the great part is not the quantity but the quality of them all
    Please keep up helping us amateurs and professional detailers

  29. Mason John Schubert says:

    There is no site as helpful and as enjoyable as
    My goto for everything.

  30. Tank's detail says:

    I am always picking up some little tips here and there reading many of the great articles that have been posted. I am a big fan of coatings and the how to write ups on application of various coatings always helps me out as I try different coatings.

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