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CarPro Reload & Fabric 2.0 – SEMA Show 2022


SEMA Show 2022 CarPro Fabric 2.0 Reload 2.0

Another year, another SEMA Show and CarPro has new releases lined up for each day. For releases today, we start at new formulas for two staples, the Reload and Fabric. Take a look at the detailed information from CarPro about each new updated formula below!

Reload 2.0

Preserving the same ease of application, we managed to improve everything about Reload’s performance. In essence: more gloss, extended durability, improved chemical and environmental resistances. Originally formulated to maintain the protection and finish quality of CQUARTZ coatings, Reload has also proven itself as a standalone sealant, where it can offer up to 4 months of protection on daily drivers. Reload’s easy to use waterborne formula can be applied to all vehicle surfaces (even when damp), making it perfect for quickly topping up your vehicle’s protection and shine.

Fabric 2.0

Traditional coatings make fabrics feel stiff and can clog the weave preventing breathability. We have developed nanoparticles small enough to attach to individual fibers, delivering superior performance characteristics without compromising the look, feel or comfort of the fabric and without clogging the fabric weave. In CQ Fabric 2.0, we’ve increased performance, while focusing heavily on the ease and comfort of application. We’ve minimised levels of VOCs and cut down drying times by a factor of 8! Fabric’s harsh solvent odors have also been removed. CQUARTZ Fabric 2.0 can be used on any material and performs great on cabrio soft tops. It is loved by detailers and sneakerheads alike!

CarPro New Triggers

New Triggers

I am not sure if you noticed in the photos of the Reload 2.0 and Fabric 2.0 above, but CarPro does have new and updated triggers for all liquid products!

November 1st, 2022 | SEMA

2 comments on CarPro Reload & Fabric 2.0 – SEMA Show 2022

  1. Neil says:

    When will reload 2.0 be available to purchase

    • Reece @ DI says:

      CarPro has not provided us with any ETA at this time. Once they share more information we will be sure to provide an update.

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