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California Car Care Expo Day 2 Recap


The second day of the show was a highly anticipated and exciting one with Meguiar’s very own Barry Meguiar making a speaking appearance. Below are some highlights from the day with lots of pictures:

Detailed Image is everywhere at the show.
2013 California Car Care Expo Day 2 Mel Craig and Barry Meguiar

2013 California Car Care Expo Day 2 DI Sleeve

2013 California Car Care Expo Shirt

The famous Barry Meguiar speaks at the show and brought his 1957 Chevy Bel Air that he’s had since he was 16 years old.
Barry Meguiar's at the 2nd Annual California Car Care Expo

Barry Meguiar's 1957 Chevy Bel Air

Detailed Image receives award for 2013 U.S.A. Vendor of the Year for our support for The Detailing Pros organization.
The Detailing Pros 2013 U.S.A. Vendor of the Year Detailed Image

Hands on clinics and demonstration on day 2 of the show.
Detailing demonstration at the California Car Care Expo Day 2

2013 California Car Care Expo Day 2 Demonstration

Our own Greg Pautler gets his photograph taken with The Detailing Pros Mel Craig and Meguiar’s Barry Meguiar.
Mel Craig, Greg Pautler, and Barry Meguiar

We have more pictures and information coming soon, so stay tuned!

4 comments on California Car Care Expo Day 2 Recap

  1. D.J. Mathys says:

    What a great time. Flew in from Ohio to be here and let me tell you, there is no other expo and organization open to all detailers so dedicated to helping detailers succeed and grow. I have been a licensee for a year now and it’s just one big family. There is a right and wrong path to choose in this business. No where else can you start off on the right path for success and continued support. Very proud!

  2. Greg @ DI says:

    Thrilled to hear it was a great time for you as well DJ! It’s a lot of travel and money for many of us but I really think it was worth it!

  3. shafiq says:

    we are quite interest to learn how to detail the car with your product and going to open detailing out let in my country
    you support in this regard will be highly appreciated

  4. shafiq says:

    i traveled from dubai to attend sema show and had chance to visit out booth in front of north gate,,but unfortunate not attend your show at California,even i am staying at san diego
    any how looking in future to attend …………..it will be a great honer to learn more

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