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Boost Your Winter Visibility: P21S Windshield Wash Booster


Winter is here, are you prepared!? This short and sweet article is targeted specifically for those of us who live at elevations, or north of the 35th parallel.

RDU: Nov Articles

For most of the last winter, I tested various windshield washing fluids. What I was looking for was a good solution that would help cut through the heavy winter grime, remove the MgCl solutions from the road and do so with quickness and great visibility left behind.  I began with various -20f fluids that you can find at most gas stations or home improvement stores. All of these are needed for my climate (Logan, Utah) and while they did an okay job, I often found they left streaks and smears from the MgCl. I had to use multiple sprays, which in turn meant that I went through a lot of fluid to properly clean my windscreen. Another negative is that because I used so much fluid to get my windshield clean, that my side glass had runs from the excess.  All in all, it made a mess but worked well enough to get the glass clean.

After these tests with local additives, I picked up some of the P21S Windshield Wash Booster and was excited to give it a go. Right off the bat, it checked all the boxes I was looking for when it came to cleaning. Upon first use, it helped clean the glass pretty thoroughly, without using too much fluid. Even though it will take a few sprays to get the dirty windows clean, overall I used much less fluid. This helped reduce excess fly off on the side windows, cut down on smears and streaks, and left behind a nice clarity to the glass. This helped save me time when cleaning, along with providing me with a safe clear windshield to look through!

With winter already here in Utah, I once again added the booster to my general washing fluid. It helps you prepare before winter, along with keeping your cleaning level up to par during the dirty winter months. While you are prepping and managing winter driving, I would also suggest:

  • 1.  Check your wiper blades. If they aren’t flexible, replace them. Combine that with the P21S Windshield Wash Booster and you will have all the cleaning power needed for a clear, streak free clean.
  • 2.  Check your antifreeze and make sure it’s the correct ratio for your coldest temps in your climate.
  • 3.  Have a system to jump-start a car if needed. Even if your battery seems find, that first cold day can leave you stranded.
  • 4.  Keep a pair of gloves in the car for scraping glass, or working in the cold. There is nothing worse than getting caught in a storm and not having something warm for your hands when cleaning your glass.
  • 5.  Put a wool blanket or two in the vehicle in case you get stuck and have to wait out for help.
  • 6.  Put some snacks in the vehicle. Again, just in case you get stuck and have to wait to get the proper help!
  • 7.  Have a lighter! I know sounds crazy right, but frozen locks can be warmed if you can heat up the key for the lock.
  • P.S.  All of you fair weather climate dwellers, keep the spare bedroom ready, I might come for a short visit!

If you have any other winter tips, feel free to share them below!

Greg Nichols Reflections Detailing
Greg Nichols
Reflections Detailing
Logan, Utah

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