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“Bang-for-the-Buck” Car Detail on a Porsche 911 (Part: I)


Believe it or not, not everyone that wants a car detail is seeking something insane. Sometimes, folks just want a bang-for-the-buck with a “do no harm” approach which they can rely on a professional to execute. Such was the visit for the 997 Porsche 911 featured in this 2-part Ask-A-Pro piece.

In Part 1, I will review the following topics (and more):

  • Initial walk-around assessment
  • The philosophy behind a “bang-for-the-buck” detail (and when a line must be drawn)
  • How to safely detail and strip ancient junk built up around the rear Carrera badge
  • How to safely decontaminate those challenging little nooks and crannies around door handles, panel
  • The role a VX5000 plays in our decontamination of this Porsche 911
  • Time stamps for all topics reviewed are found in the youtube description

To check out part II, click here.

Source: YouTube

Jean-Claude Corcoran
Jean-Claude Corcoran
Detailed Designs Auto Spa
Atlanta, GA

3 comments on “Bang-for-the-Buck” Car Detail on a Porsche 911 (Part: I)

  1. James Melfi says:

    Loving the series JC! A great topic often overlooked in the industry within the sea of “chasing perfection”

  2. Ed LeBlanc says:

    Is it for sale?

  3. Art Lusk says:

    Good video but if the extensive talking could be limited, it would be better. 15 minutes just looking at the car and not even the interior. A brief overview of the condition, explain what the owner wants/expects and then on to the steps and products used to achieve those results is what viewers want to see.

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