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11 comments on Ask-A-Pro: What is “Jeweling” the paint?

  1. David says:


    Thank you for the explaination, it was informative and very much appreciated.

    • No problem David! Thanks again for the excellent question.

      I actually created a poll on one of the detailing boards for fun back in 2009 just to see what term most people use to describe this method. Finishing was actually on top with 63% of the votes and reflectus maximus was second at 11%. 🙂


  2. Nice write-up Rasky…thanks for sharing.

  3. Wolf's Chemicals says:

    Nice write up Chad!

  4. Steve says:


    PO85RD and 106FA are refered to as a diminishing product(s), I assume they brake-down?. But M105/M205 don’t break down? Is this something important to know?. Also, how much of a finishing product do I put on my pad?…Thank in advance!

    • Great question Steve! Something I probably should have noted in my original article too. 😉

      Meguiar’s M105/M205 are indeed non-diminishing abrasives, and they will not break down like traditional diminishing abrasives (106fa/PO85RD). While M205 is highly capable as a jeweling polish, I do find it requires a little bit more of a learning curve, and the technique may vary more from car to car. Because of this I often suggest people stick with the traditional diminishing abrasives for jeweling unless they are willing to put in the time to learn how M205 works.

      Since the tiny abrasives in M205 don’t break down they will continue to cut as long as you want. The amount of cut can vary quite a bit depending on pad choice and the amount of pressure you apply, which makes M205 a much more versatile polish. I actually prefer to use M205 with the D/A polisher when used for a final jeweling step, but I’ve also used it with the rotary on many of my jobs too. I’ll use a black LC pad for harder paints and the crimson LC Hydro pad for softer paints.

      Since this is a jeweling step, you really shouldn’t need more than 4 pea sized dots on the face of your pad per 20″ x 20″ section.

      Hope this helps,

      • Steve says:

        Thanks Chad…

        Great explaination and advice on Jeweling process. I’ve see alot of your great work!! Can’t wait for the next project…Good Luck and Thanks again.

  5. Ken bence says:

    My question Chad is doing this process going to gain anything on a non-metallic light colored car or should I just stay with a good polish then wax / seal ?

    Thanks I always value your opinion..

    As always great info here…


  6. Christine says:

    Not sure if anyone looks at these posts anymore but my question is…is jeweling safe on ceramic coating over clear bra? I have a detailer that claims he can take out some of the light surface scratches my dealer service visit left on the car. He says that jeweling is safe for these protective coatings.

    • Chad Raskovich says:

      Find another detailer.

      If he’s using a polish with abrasives it will remove or comprise the integrity of the coating. However, CQuartz Essence Plus is designed for coating maintenance and has no abrasives. Polishing with this product will FILL in light marring. Keep in mind the pad itself is abrasive and Essence Plus is meant to be used with the CarPro Gloss Pad or similar. Too aggressive of a pad and it can comprise the coating regardless of the fact that Essence Plus doesn’t have abrasives.

      If you’re seeing marring after a dealer visit I’m going to go out on a limb and say it will likely require a repolish a recoat.

      Is your clear bra not self-healing? If it was done in the last couple years it should be if it was applied by a reputable shop.

      Hope this helps,

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