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5 comments on Ask-A-Pro: Questions about Cleaning Vehicles in the Winter

  1. Hey Joe,

    I actually live in Minnesota and also know all to well how hard it can be to keep your car clean in the winter time. ONR is an amazing product and offers an excellent solution when traditional washing is not an option. I fully agree with Todd though on rinsing the car first when it’s covered in sand and salt. Luckily I live only 6 blocks from a self serve car wash.

    One thing I’ll add about the spray bottle is that you can also pick up a 1 gallon garden sprayer, the kind you pump up and pressurize. I’ll fill the sprayer with an ONR mix and use it to rinse off any sand or large particles that may have splashed up on the car during the drive back home. The large pump sprayer especially comes in handy for rinsing off wheel, tires and wheel wells after cleaning too.

    I also applied the Blackfire Wet-Diamond sealant to my car in the fall and I will go over my car after the ONR wash with the Blackfire Deep Gloss Spray to boost the sealant’s protection on the car.

    Take care,

  2. Justin says:

    I enjoy the winter weather.

    It gives me something to look forward to cleaning off the car in the Spring.

  3. Dan Doleiden says:

    ONR all the way. I routinely used it to clean my jet black 325i and sparkling graphite 335i in the winter and even though the car was caked in salt, grit and who knows what else (I’m in PA), I never got any scratches or swirls. Just do small sections at a time and use two buckets.

  4. Alex says:


    Any particular touchless car washes in the Columbus area that you recommend?

    Thanks for all the incredible info you provide on this site!


    • Alex,

      Well I don’t pay attention too much to the ones around the rest of the city, but I do have one right around the corner from my place…on Waggoner Road just north of E. Broad Street on the far east side of town.

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