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3 comments on Ask-A-Pro: New Car Prep

  1. Vince Chiaro says:

    Great summary Eric!

    For the IPA wipedown steps — do you just use the IPA full strength? (I noticed on the bottle I picked up at Target that it says 70% IPA, so should I just put that in a spray bottle and call it good?)

    I’m tackling my new-to-me Lotus Elise with a similar procedure. It’s a 2005 model but only has6000 miles on it and is in generally great shape except for swirls from some improper washing techniques by the previous owner. So I may have to go a little more aggressive with the polishing step but will start out easy with Meg #205 and the PC 7424XP.

  2. eric says:

    Yeah just use it straight up. It will cleN better than if you mix with water. I used to dilute but not any longer.

  3. charlie says:

    Just bought 2015 Buick Enclave, want to do new car prep, read your ask a pro article NEW CAR PREP dated Oct. 2010 , today , would any steps or product recommendations be different today ? Color of car isWhite diamond tricoat .

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