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7 comments on Ask A Pro: Layering of a Paint Sealant

  1. Rob Julian says:

    Your closing comment suggests “stripping the car”. How would I do this and what products can you recommend?

    Also, I’ve read some articles the suggest applying a sealant followed by a quality carnuba wax. Is this another form of “layering” and how many layers should we ideally shoot for (all sealant or sealant/wax mix)? Finally, is there a point where too much buildup might occur and detract from the look of the finish?

  2. Eric says:

    Stripping the LSP ( sealant or wax layer – last step product) is as simple, or hard as, washing with something like dawn or chemical guys citrus wash and clear, followed by a couple rounds of an alcohol wipe down. at this point the paint should be relieved of all slickness and not bead when washed. At that point, its fairly certain to say the protection is gone.

    Layering of a carnuba over the sealant is purely for a looks reason. carnubas tend to last about 4 weeks at most, some a tad more, some less. they are more wet and glossy compared to the typical reflectiveness in a sealant. (of course there are some exceptions)

    you can over saturate the finish with too many layers so to speak, just like over loading the finish with QD right after applying a sealant. Figure that after the 3 layers, you are not doing too much for the paint. You might see subtle changes, but there comes a point in diminishing return.

    My favorite combo is actually two layers of blackfire wet diamond. slick slick slick and protected!!!!

  3. Will applying more layers of sealant give the paint a deeper almost 3D glossy wet finish?
    If not, would you recommend.
    Thanks Russ

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Apply more layers of sealant will help add more gloss, depth and protection, however you have to remember that sealants only enhance the way the paint already looks. If you are looking for the highest amount of gloss and depth you want to polish the paint first to remove any imperfections. You can then protect the paint with a paint sealant. If you are looking for something that makes your car look like it is coated in glass, I would recommend checking out the 22ple VX3. This coating is super easy to apply and it adds an amazing layer of gloss. Take a look at the product review here: https://www.detailedimage.com/Ask-a-Pro/product-review-and-application-22ple-vx3-signature-glass-coating/. You can then top the coating with a sealant for added gloss and protection! If you have any other questions, concerns, or simply need some recommendations please do not hesitate to contact us here: https://www.detailedimage.com/Contact/

  4. Hi Reese, thank you for helping w/the demo.
    I have been reading and looking @ “Wolfgang fuzion polymer estate wax”, Have you any experience w/this product and how does it compare w/22ple-vx3 signature-glass-coating.

    Thanks again Russ

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Russell – In general waxes will give you 3-4 weeks of protection, sealants 3-4 months and coatings anywhere from a year to even 5 or more. I think either one will work great on your paint and make it look fantastic, however the 22ple VX3, in my opinion, will give you more gloss and protect your paint for much longer.

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