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7 comments on Ask-A-Pro: How To Polish Under Emblems?

  1. Danny says:


    I have a 2010 Mercedes ML350 and have a PC 7424 with white 5.5″ pads as well as other pads. I also have the Manzerna PO85RD fine polish would I be able to remove small swirls between the rear liftgate emblem with out damaging it by going directly over it, its the oval emblem. Also what speed do you suggest I set it to if I can do this with out causing damage



    • Danny,

      That combination would definitely amp up the gloss, but I think it would be limited as far as correction goes. You’d get better results with something like Menzerna PO203S (which is great to have on hand anyways). I’d limit the PC to about speed 4.5, but try a little slower than that to start. On that vehicle, the emblem should be very secure…just verify that. Take a look through the writeup I did on an SL500 this past summer, and you can see what I was able to accomplish on the Mercedes emblem.

  2. Danny says:


    Thank you for all the help I’ll be following your steps and purchasing PO203S. By the way the SL500 came out amazing you really do phenomenal work.


  3. Alex says:

    assuming you need to remove the emblem to get under it and it happens to be one that is attached via some sort of adhesive, how do you go about “re-centering” the badging? Do you kinda just eye ball it?

    • You may want to tape a “box” around the emblem that is being removed, and leave a consistent gap around it (1/2″ for instance). After you polish that area, it will make it much easier to reapply since you will have the tape and the 1/2″ gap as a measuring stick so to speak to lign it back up. Another way is to simply take measurements before removing the emblem and then re-apply it accordingly afterwards.

  4. Adam says:

    Could you go into a little more detail about the tools and techniques to polish around an emblem by hand? Do you break out Q-Tips for this?

    • Adam,

      If applying polish by hand around these areas, I’ll just use the appropriate 4″ spot pad until I achieve the desired results. Then just use your microfiber towel to wipe down and clean it all out. If there’s buildup or hard to reach spots, then you may need to use toothpicks, q-tips, or whatever you have at your disposal to get in all of the tight areas. Keep in mind though…you simply won’t get the same kind of results as you will on the rest of the car! Without removing the emblem and polishing by machine, you simply need to accept that it’s not going to look quite as good.

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